(All In/Out is in IOP331's view)
- InitThread message and return code
- inDoorBell
- bit0
- data in ready zDRIVER DATA WRITE OK)
- bit1
- data out has been read (DRIVER DATA READ OK)
- outDooeBell:
- bit0
- data out ready (IOP331 DATA WRITE OK)
- bit1
- data in has been read (IOP331 DATA READ OK)
offset 0xf00 | for RS232 out (request buffer) |
offset 0xe00 | for RS232 in (scratch buffer) |
offset 0xa00 | for inbound message code message_rwbuffer (driver send to IOP331) |
offset 0xa00 | for outbound message code message_rwbuffer (IOP331 send to driver) |
Currently 128 byte buffer is used:
1st uint32_t | Data length (1--124) |
Byte 4--127 | Max 124 bytes of data |
All SCSI Command must be sent through postQ:
- (inbound queue port)
Request frame must be 32 bytes aligned:
- #bit27--bit31
- flag for post ccb
- #bit0--bit26
real address (bit27--bit31) of post arcmsr_cdb
0 256 bytes frame 1 512 bytes frame bit30
0 normal request 1 BIOS request bit29 reserved bit28 reserved bit27 reserved - (outbount queue port)
Request reply:
- #bit27--bit31
- flag for reply
- #bit0--bit26
real address (bit27--bit31) of reply arcmsr_cdb
bit31 must be 0 (for this type of reply) bit30 reserved for BIOS handshake bit29 reserved bit28
0 no error, ignore AdapStatus/DevStatus/SenseData 1 Error, error code in AdapStatus/DevStatus/SenseData bit27 reserved
All BIOS request is the same with request from PostQ
Request frame is sent from configuration space:
offset: 0x78 Request Frame (bit30 == 1) offset: 0x18 writeonly to generate IRQ to IOP331
Completion of request:
(bit30 == 0, bit28==err flag)
0x00 | NOP | ||||||||||||||||||||
0x01 | Get Config ->offset 0xa00 :for outbound message code message_rwbuffer (IOP331 send to driver)
0x02 | Set Config ->offset 0xa00 :for inbound message code message_rwbuffer (driver send to IOP331)
0x03 | Reset (Abort all queued Command) | ||||||||||||||||||||
0x04 | Stop Background Activity | ||||||||||||||||||||
0x05 | Flush Cache | ||||||||||||||||||||
0x06 | Start Background Activity (re-start if background is halted) | ||||||||||||||||||||
0x07 | Check If Host Command Pending (Novell May Need This Function) | ||||||||||||||||||||
0x08 | Set controller time ->offset 0xa00 for inbound message code message_rwbuffer (driver to IOP331)
The low level command interface is exclusive with VT100 terminal
- Header
- 3 bytes sequence (0x5E, 0x01, 0x61)
- Command block
- variable length of data including length, command code, data and checksum byte
- Return data
- variable length of data
- 1st byte
command block length (low byte)
- 2nd byte
command block length (high byte)
command block length shouldn't > 2040 bytes, length excludes these two bytes
- 3rd byte
command code
- 4th and following bytes
variable length data bytes
depends on command code
last byte checksum byte (sum of 1st byte until last data byte)
The following are command code defined in raid controller Command code 0x10--0x1? are used for system level management, no password checking is needed and should be implemented in separate well controlled utility and not for end user access. Command code 0x20--0x?? always check the password, password must be entered to enable these command:
Set the controller serial#
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x10 byte 3 password length (should be 0x0f) byte 4-0x13 should be "ArEcATecHnoLogY" byte 0x14--0x23 Serial number string (must be 16 bytes) - GUI_SET_VENDOR
Set vendor string for the controller
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x11 byte 3 password length (should be 0x08) byte 4-0x13 should be "ArEcAvAr" byte 0x14--0x3B vendor string (must be 40 bytes) - GUI_SET_MODEL
Set the model name of the controller
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x12 byte 3 password length (should be 0x08) byte 4-0x13 should be "ArEcAvAr" byte 0x14--0x1B model string (must be 8 bytes) - GUI_IDENTIFY
Identify device
byte 0,1 length byte 2 - command code 0x13
- return "Areca RAID Subsystem "
Verify password
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x14 byte 3 password length byte 4-0x?? user password to be checked - GUI_LOGOUT
Logout GUI (force password checking on next command)
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x15 - GUI_HTTP
- HTTP interface (reserved for Http proxy service)(0x16)
Set the ethernet MAC address
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x17 byte 3 password length (should be 0x08) byte 4-0x13 should be "ArEcAvAr" byte 0x14--0x19 Ethernet MAC address (must be 6 bytes) - GUI_SET_LOGO
Set logo in HTTP
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x18 byte 3 Page# (0/1/2/3) (0xff --> clear OEM logo) byte 4/5/6/7 0x55/0xaa/0xa5/0x5a byte 8 TITLE.JPG data (each page must be 2000 bytes)
page0 1st 2 byte must be actual length of the JPG file
Poll If Event Log Changed
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x19 - GUI_GET_EVENT
Read Event
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x1a byte 3 Event Page (0:1st page/1/2/3:last page) - GUI_GET_HW_MONITOR
Get HW monitor data
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x1b byte 3 # of FANs(example 2) byte 4 # of Voltage sensor(example 3) byte 5 # of temperature sensor(example 2) byte 6 # of power byte 7/8 Fan#0 (RPM) byte 9/10 Fan#1 byte 11/12 Voltage#0 original value in *1000
byte 13/14 Voltage#0 value byte 15/16 Voltage#1 org byte 17/18 Voltage#1 byte 19/20 Voltage#2 org byte 21/22 Voltage#2 byte 23 Temp#0 byte 24 Temp#1 byte 25 Power indicator (bit0 power#0, bit1 power#1) byte 26 UPS indicator - GUI_QUICK_CREATE
Quick create raid/volume set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x20 byte 3/4/5/6 raw capacity byte 7 raid level byte 8 stripe size byte 9 spare byte 10/11/12/13 device mask (the devices to create raid/volume) This function is removed, application like to implement quick create function
Get Raid Set Information
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x20 byte 3 raidset# typedef struct sGUI_RAIDSET { BYTE grsRaidSetName[16]; DWORD grsCapacity; DWORD grsCapacityX; DWORD grsFailMask; BYTE grsDevArray[32]; BYTE grsMemberDevices; BYTE grsNewMemberDevices; BYTE grsRaidState; BYTE grsVolumes; BYTE grsVolumeList[16]; BYTE grsRes1; BYTE grsRes2; BYTE grsRes3; BYTE grsFreeSegments; DWORD grsRawStripes[8]; DWORD grsRes4; DWORD grsRes5; // Total to 128 bytes DWORD grsRes6; // Total to 128 bytes } sGUI_RAIDSET, *pGUI_RAIDSET;
Get Volume Set Information
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x21 byte 3 volumeset# typedef struct sGUI_VOLUMESET { BYTE gvsVolumeName[16]; // 16 DWORD gvsCapacity; DWORD gvsCapacityX; DWORD gvsFailMask; DWORD gvsStripeSize; DWORD gvsNewFailMask; DWORD gvsNewStripeSize; DWORD gvsVolumeStatus; DWORD gvsProgress; // 32 sSCSI_ATTR gvsScsi; BYTE gvsMemberDisks; BYTE gvsRaidLevel; // 8 BYTE gvsNewMemberDisks; BYTE gvsNewRaidLevel; BYTE gvsRaidSetNumber; BYTE gvsRes0; // 4 BYTE gvsRes1[4]; // 64 bytes } sGUI_VOLUMESET, *pGUI_VOLUMESET;
Get Physical Drive Information
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x22 byte 3 drive # (from 0 to max-channels - 1) typedef struct sGUI_PHY_DRV { BYTE gpdModelName[40]; BYTE gpdSerialNumber[20]; BYTE gpdFirmRev[8]; DWORD gpdCapacity; DWORD gpdCapacityX; // Reserved for expansion BYTE gpdDeviceState; BYTE gpdPioMode; BYTE gpdCurrentUdmaMode; BYTE gpdUdmaMode; BYTE gpdDriveSelect; BYTE gpdRaidNumber; // 0xff if not belongs to a raid set sSCSI_ATTR gpdScsi; BYTE gpdReserved[40]; // Total to 128 bytes } sGUI_PHY_DRV, *pGUI_PHY_DRV;
Get System Information
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x23 typedef struct sCOM_ATTR { BYTE comBaudRate; BYTE comDataBits; BYTE comStopBits; BYTE comParity; BYTE comFlowControl; } sCOM_ATTR, *pCOM_ATTR; typedef struct sSYSTEM_INFO { BYTE gsiVendorName[40]; BYTE gsiSerialNumber[16]; BYTE gsiFirmVersion[16]; BYTE gsiBootVersion[16]; BYTE gsiMbVersion[16]; BYTE gsiModelName[8]; BYTE gsiLocalIp[4]; BYTE gsiCurrentIp[4]; DWORD gsiTimeTick; DWORD gsiCpuSpeed; DWORD gsiICache; DWORD gsiDCache; DWORD gsiScache; DWORD gsiMemorySize; DWORD gsiMemorySpeed; DWORD gsiEvents; BYTE gsiMacAddress[6]; BYTE gsiDhcp; BYTE gsiBeeper; BYTE gsiChannelUsage; BYTE gsiMaxAtaMode; BYTE gsiSdramEcc; // 1:if ECC enabled BYTE gsiRebuildPriority; sCOM_ATTR gsiComA; // 5 bytes sCOM_ATTR gsiComB; // 5 bytes BYTE gsiIdeChannels; BYTE gsiScsiHostChannels; BYTE gsiIdeHostChannels; BYTE gsiMaxVolumeSet; BYTE gsiMaxRaidSet; BYTE gsiEtherPort; // 1:if ether net port supported BYTE gsiRaid6Engine; // 1:Raid6 engine supported BYTE gsiRes[75]; } sSYSTEM_INFO, *pSYSTEM_INFO;
Clear System Event
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x24 - GUI_MUTE_BEEPER
Mute current beeper
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x30 - GUI_BEEPER_SETTING
Disable beeper
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x31 byte 3 0->disable, 1->enable - GUI_SET_PASSWORD
Change password
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x32 byte 3 pass word length ( must <= 15 ) byte 4 password (must be alpha-numerical) - GUI_HOST_INTERFACE_MODE
Set host interface mode
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x33 byte 3 0->Independent, 1->cluster - GUI_REBUILD_PRIORITY
Set rebuild priority
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x34 byte 3 0/1/2/3 (low->high) - GUI_MAX_ATA_MODE
Set maximum ATA mode to be used
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x35 byte 3 0/1/2/3 (133/100/66/33) - GUI_RESET_CONTROLLER
Reset Controller
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x36 * Response with VT100 screen (discard it) - GUI_COM_PORT_SETTING
COM port setting
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x37 byte 3 0->COMA (term port), 1->COMB (debug port) byte 4 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200) byte 5 data bit (0:7 bit, 1:8 bit must be 8 bit) byte 6 stop bit (0:1, 1:2 stop bits) byte 7 parity (0:none, 1:off, 2:even) byte 8 flow control (0:none, 1:xon/xoff, 2:hardware => must use none) - GUI_NO_OPERATION
No operation
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x38 - GUI_DHCP_IP
Set DHCP option and local IP address
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x39 byte 3 0:dhcp disabled, 1:dhcp enabled byte 4/5/6/7 IP address - GUI_CREATE_PASS_THROUGH
Create pass through disk
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x40 byte 3 device # byte 4 scsi channel (0/1) byte 5 scsi id (0-->15) byte 6 scsi lun (0-->7) byte 7 tagged queue (1 enabled) byte 8 cache mode (1 enabled) byte 9 max speed (0/1/2/3/4, async/20/40/80/160 for scsi) (0/1/2/3/4, 33/66/100/133/150 for ide ) - GUI_MODIFY_PASS_THROUGH
Modify pass through disk
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x41 byte 3 device # byte 4 scsi channel (0/1) byte 5 scsi id (0-->15) byte 6 scsi lun (0-->7) byte 7 tagged queue (1 enabled) byte 8 cache mode (1 enabled) byte 9 max speed (0/1/2/3/4, async/20/40/80/160 for scsi) (0/1/2/3/4, 33/66/100/133/150 for ide ) - GUI_DELETE_PASS_THROUGH
Delete pass through disk
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x42 byte 3 device# to be deleted - GUI_IDENTIFY_DEVICE
Identify Device
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x43 byte 3 Flash Method (0:flash selected, 1:flash not selected) byte 4/5/6/7 IDE device mask to be flashed .. Note:: no response data available - GUI_CREATE_RAIDSET
Create Raid Set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x50 byte 3/4/5/6 device mask byte 7-22 raidset name (if byte 7 == 0:use default) - GUI_DELETE_RAIDSET
Delete Raid Set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x51 byte 3 raidset# - GUI_EXPAND_RAIDSET
Expand Raid Set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x52 byte 3 raidset# byte 4/5/6/7 device mask for expansion byte 8/9/10 (8:0 no change, 1 change, 0xff:terminate, 9:new raid level, 10:new stripe size 0/1/2/3/4/5->4/8/16/32/64/128K ) byte 11/12/13 repeat for each volume in the raidset - GUI_ACTIVATE_RAIDSET
Activate incomplete raid set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x53 byte 3 raidset# - GUI_CREATE_HOT_SPARE
Create hot spare disk
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x54 byte 3/4/5/6 device mask for hot spare creation - GUI_DELETE_HOT_SPARE
Delete hot spare disk
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x55 byte 3/4/5/6 device mask for hot spare deletion - GUI_CREATE_VOLUME
Create volume set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x60 byte 3 raidset# byte 4-19 volume set name (if byte4 == 0, use default) byte 20-27 volume capacity (blocks) byte 28 raid level byte 29 stripe size (0/1/2/3/4/5->4/8/16/32/64/128K) byte 30 channel byte 31 ID byte 32 LUN byte 33 1 enable tag byte 34 1 enable cache byte 35 speed (0/1/2/3/4->async/20/40/80/160 for scsi) (0/1/2/3/4->33/66/100/133/150 for IDE ) byte 36 1 to select quick init - GUI_MODIFY_VOLUME
Modify volume Set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x61 byte 3 volumeset# byte 4-19 new volume set name (if byte4 == 0, not change) byte 20-27 new volume capacity (reserved) byte 28 new raid level byte 29 new stripe size (0/1/2/3/4/5->4/8/16/32/64/128K) byte 30 new channel byte 31 new ID byte 32 new LUN byte 33 1 enable tag byte 34 1 enable cache byte 35 speed (0/1/2/3/4->async/20/40/80/160 for scsi) (0/1/2/3/4->33/66/100/133/150 for IDE ) - GUI_DELETE_VOLUME
Delete volume set
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x62 byte 3 volumeset# - GUI_START_CHECK_VOLUME
Start volume consistency check
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x63 byte 3 volumeset# - GUI_STOP_CHECK_VOLUME
Stop volume consistency check
byte 0,1 length byte 2 command code 0x64
Header 3 bytes sequence (0x5E, 0x01, 0x61)
Length 2 bytes (low byte 1st, excludes length and checksum byte)
status or data:
If length == 1 ==> 1 byte status code:
If length > 1:
data block returned from controller and the contents depends on the command code
- Checksum checksum of length and status or data byte