Happy 🥳 | Rocketseat 💜 - NLW 03 👩🚀
Oct 17, 2020 - Handlebars
Rocketseat is a coding platform founded in Brazil in 2017. It focuses on professionalizes people independently from their knowledge on programming world. It's famous by the vast amount and quality of it programs, bootcamps and events.
Happy 🥳 | Rocketseat 💜 - NLW 03 👩🚀
bring happiness to the world! the web application Happy mission is to assist underprivileged children, facilitating the visit of volunteers to orphanages. Developed during the NLW#3 - Rocketseat.
👦🏽 A web application made during the "Next Level Week" at rocketseat that aims to bring happiness to the world.
My learnings and codes created for the Next Level Week 3, from Rocketseat, in year 2020
Projeto web construído durante o Next Level Week #03-Discovery
The app's purpose is to make it easier for people to find local orphanages for visiting and to bring joy for children and teens in social vulnerability.
Happy - Leve felicidade para o mundo, projeto realizado no Next Level Week 3
Plataforma Web que tem por objetivo conectar pessoas a orfanatos para que possam agendar visitas. Projeto criado para o NLW#3 da Rocketseat 🚀 Tecnologias: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript e Node.js
Happy - Next Level Week 3 - Rocketseat
Project "Happy" developed in Next Level Week #3 for Rocketseat.
Site cujo objetivo é uma ação beneficente a crianças carentes, projeto fornecido pela RocketSeat
Web App to connect People and Child Welfare Organizations responsible for the care of vulnerable children. Visit children and brighten their day :)
Happy is a responsible platform for connecting with underprivileged children.
Conteúdo disponibilizado no Next Level Week #3 pela Rocketseat. Desenvolvimento do website Happy, que consiste em um cadastro e busca de Lar para crianças em vulnerabilidade social.
Node.js | Projeto desenvolvido durante o Next Level Week 3 da Rocketseat, na trilha Discovery.
Aplicação desenvolvida pela Rocketseat na Next Level Week #3.
O Happy é projeto que viabiliza ao público conhecer os lares que cuidam de crianças com muito amor.
Project that helps people to know foster homes close by and give care for its children. Made in Next Level Week#3. @Rocketseat
Created by Cleiton Souza, Diego Fernandes and Robson Marques
Released 2017