A small cli application to convert json schemas to openapi schemas
Apr 1, 2019 - JavaScript
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS), previously known as the Swagger Specification, is a specification for a programming language-agnostic, machine-readable interface definition language for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing web services. OpenAPI documents describe API services and are represented in YAML or JSON formats.
A small cli application to convert json schemas to openapi schemas
Baseline to create a swagger-node-runner project. Uses the openApi standard.
Extract all possible paths present in openapi.yaml based on paths and the provided examples
OpenAPI Codegen for TypeScript
NO-CODE Domain Designer for Typescript applications built under the DDD - Domain Driven Design principles. 🇧🇷
Convert an OpenAPI spec into an array of operations
Generate Swagger or OpenAPI Specification (JSON/YML) for Fastify server routes without running the server
Backend service for the Turf Booking System, handling admin authentication, booking management, and slot availability.
Toggle additionalProperties in an OpenAPI spec
📖 OpenAPI specification for the public Flat REST API
Optimise OpenApi (Swagger) 2.0 API definitions
Apply overlays to OpenAPI descriptions
Sample OpenAPI description to use for whatever you like, as a hopefully more modern and useful alternative to the Petstore.
PHP library to generate Swagger/OpenAPI REST API documentation files from comments in PHP source code.
Unofficial OpenAPI/Swagger specs for popular APIs
A collection of open-source and commercial tools for creating your APIs with OpenAPI - Sourced from and published for the community
(DEPRECATED) Converts between OAS and RAML API specifications
Created by OpenAPI Initiative, Tony Tam, Darrel Miller, Mike Ralphson, Ron Ratovsky, Uri Sarid, Jason Harmon
Released August 10, 2011
Latest release 21 days ago