Nth commit must have commit hash with N leading zeros - 진짜 구데기컵 2018
Jan 17, 2024 - Python
Global climate change refers to the rise of earth's temperature, caused by human factors. It originates from the greenhouse effect of certain gases in our atmosphere like carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane (CH4) that block the escaping heat. The concentration of these gases has risen dramatically by human impact since the mid of the 20th century, with the burning of fossil fuels (oil and gas) and deforestation being main causes of this rise. The observed and expected effects include more and longer periods of draught, wildfires and an increased number of extreme weather events.
Nth commit must have commit hash with N leading zeros - 진짜 구데기컵 2018
A web app to create interactive temperature and precipitation graphs for places around the world
Your climate action is here 🌎 Our API is a source for learning how climate change personally affects you and the things you care about most. Additionally, it will teach a scientifically proven method for communicating to others that climate change is a personally relevant issue to inspire action.
Visualize the HadCRUT5 temperature datasets
Sea Surface Temp Visualization
🤯Countdoom: a Doomsday Clock client 🕚 …and Python package! 🐍
GreenX is a project motivated to create social awareness against deforestation & climate change.
MAPS fellowship presentation - May 2018 - Global Warming Hiatus Statistics
A set of exploratory and forecasting methods conducted on multiple datasets concerning global warming variables, utilizing Python
Global Surface Temperature of Several Countries & their Scatter Graph: Intermediate Python
Downloads and compiles temperature data for locations in the United States across a >40-year span
@ClimateChangeBot is a Mastodon bot that posts daily Climate-Change plots
Python code which grabs temperature and location data, ingests it, then serves it with a flask web app. This is to see how much warming a given local area has experienced.
bot created to talk about the dangers of global warming
Visualize tempetare changes per year with spider-chart
Created by Humanity