JavaScript Style Guide
Dec 9, 2024 - JavaScript
ECMAScript is the standardization of the family of scripting languages that includes JavaScript. New versions of the standard are released every year. It is standardized by Ecma International. ECMAScript is commonly used for client-side scripting on the World Wide Web, and it is increasingly being used to write server-side applications and services using Node.js and other runtime environments. The ECMAScript language includes structured, dynamic, functional, and prototype-based features.
JavaScript Style Guide
A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know.
The zero configuration build tool for the web. 📦🚀
🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about.
An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
The project has been migrated to @wolf-table/table
🗜 JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+
A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web.
Too young, too simple. Sometimes, naive & stupid 🐌
A dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more
A boilerplate for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose
js2flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn other’s code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code.
a fresh, modern & lightweight HTML5 game engine
Turn your ES5 code into readable ES6. Lebab does the opposite of what Babel does.
📗📒 (PT-Br translation) JS Book Series.
Barcode generation library written in JavaScript that works in both the browser and on Node.js
Created by Brendan Eich, Ecma International
Released June 1997