DataDog / dd-trace-java Star 614 Code Issues Pull requests Datadog APM client for Java java datadog apm tracing bytebuddy distributed-tracing javaagent datadog-apm distributed-trace datadoghq Updated Mar 6, 2025 Java
captnbp / mypaas Star 27 Code Issues Pull requests MyPaas is an Ansible playbook for startups or small companies which want to build a modern and fully automated infrastructure. slack letsencrypt docker nginx infrastructure jenkins ansible cloud gitlab rundeck nextcloud dokuwiki vms openvpn-server ovh openldap-server datadoghq Updated Oct 13, 2020 Python
gnilchee / ddctl Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests A simple python script to schedule downtime in Datadog among other things. datadog python3 datadog-api datadoghq Updated Mar 4, 2019 Python