🌿 基于springboot的快速学习示例,整合自己遇到的开源框架,如:rabbitmq(延迟队列)、Kafka、jpa、redies、oauth2、swagger、jsp、docker、k3s、k3d、k8s、mybatis加解密插件、异常处理、日志输出、多模块开发、多环境打包、缓存cache、爬虫、jwt、GraphQL、dubbo、zookeeper和Async等等📌
Oct 17, 2023 - Java
Assembly is a low-level programming language in which there is a very strict correspondence between language instructions and architecture machine code instructions.
🌿 基于springboot的快速学习示例,整合自己遇到的开源框架,如:rabbitmq(延迟队列)、Kafka、jpa、redies、oauth2、swagger、jsp、docker、k3s、k3d、k8s、mybatis加解密插件、异常处理、日志输出、多模块开发、多环境打包、缓存cache、爬虫、jwt、GraphQL、dubbo、zookeeper和Async等等📌
This Repository covers all the topics of dsa which will help you to learn dsa in a better way
Course Project for CS536 Intro to PLs and Compilers
2004-2008 yılları arasında Hacettepe BBM'de okurken elimde olan ders notu, slaytlar, sınavlar, yazdığım kodları içeren bir repo
SPPU COMP 2019 Pattern Sem 5 (LP-1 and DBMS )Practical Examination Codes for System Programming and Operating System (SPOS) , Distributed Systems (DS) , Database Management System (DBMS)
A MIPS (R3000) Processor Emulator and Visualisation tool
All individual tasks, homeworks in courses of Java, C++, Haskell, .... at the University
Reverse engineer and rewrite real mode dos programs!
Computer Architecture Lab Course (CS 311), IIT Dharwad
a fork of the MARS Mips Assembly and Runtime Simulator with some changes made
A full-featured compiler implementation that translates the PO teaching language into MIPS assembly, featuring LL(1) parsing, intermediate TAC generation, and custom grammar support. Built to make programming education accessible.
The Linux defender anti-virus software ported to work on RemixOS.
A basic approach to a Maven package type for FirstSpirit modules
The Linux defender anti-virus software ported to work on Android.
Created by Kathleen Booth
Released 1949