A Vue CLI 3/4 Plugin for Capacitor
Mar 4, 2023 - JavaScript
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google's Android operating system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development. It provides a unified environment where you can build apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, Android TV, and Android Auto. Structured code modules allow you to divide your project into units of functionality that you can independently build, test, and debug.
A Vue CLI 3/4 Plugin for Capacitor
😎😌😎Whatsapp Stickers Store App is a mobile Whatsapp Stickers 😍😍system that runs under the Android platform that used for your own Whatsapp Stickers application. With powerful features and beautiful design and Responsive Admin Panel can manage Videos, Images, Gifs, Quote, categories, users, notifications, languages, Earning Payments, and others. …
Augmented Reality Geolocation Capture-the-Flag Mobile Game Capstone Project
O principal objetivo do projeto é desenvolver um sistema que seja capaz de monitorar os ônibus circulares da cidade universitária e disponibilizar para a comunidade acadêmica informações que facilitem o dia a dia dos usuários dos ônibus.
Stand alone meeting room signage and room booking app for android
🚀 👀 The website of Android Dev Notes. Content contributions are welcome! Found something interesting related to Android, just add it! check out X!
Run emulators without opening Android Studio
A Medium blog to build Ionic Apk using GitHub Actions. https://gauravprasadgp.medium.com/ionic-3-4-build-using-github-actions-50900cb1c820
📋 Displays crypto-currency API data from CoinGecko. Tutorial code from Fazt Code.
Audio Quiz is a cross-platform multi-screen quiz app which visually impaired users can play using speech controls or standard tap gestures. The categories, questions, and options are dictated so that anyone can enjoy the game.
QOSC - Quickly Organize your Social Contacts
A react native implementation of my CGPA Calculator
Is a simple web app clone of Facebook with a server with login, register features displaying profile follow, posts and comments
A tutor finder Web Application and Android App
Mobile FlashCards project-app is a part of Udacity-React-Nanodegree program. This React Native app allows users to create decks and questions to quiz. and also give the final score and set to reset naviagte the quiz
Henry Final Proyect - Flymate App
⚛️ App on React Native 2.0 + Expo
Created by Google, JetBrains
Released December 2014