Golang starter template
- follows common Golang best practices in terms of repo/project layout, and includes explanations of what goes where in README files
- Cobra library for CLI handling, and Viper library for reading config files already plugged in and ready to expand upon
- Goreleaser to build Docker images and most standard package types across Linux, MacOS and Windows
- also includes auto-generated manpages and shell autocompletions
- Makefile for easy building, deploying, testing, updating, etc. both Dockerized and using locally installed Golang toolchain
- docker-compose project for easily hosting built Dockerized Golang project, with optional support for Golang web services
- scripts to make using the starter template easy, and to update the Golang version when a new one comes out
- built-in security scans, vulnerability warnings and auto-updates via Dependabot and GitHub Actions
- auto-generated documentation
- pre-commit hooks for ensuring formatting, linting, security checks, etc.
- generate a GitHub fine-grained access token from https://github.com/settings/tokens?type=beta (used in repo as "GITHUB_TOKEN" and in GitHub Actions Secrets as "GH_TOKEN") with the following read/write permissions:
- actions
- attestations
- code scanning alerts
- commit statuses
- contents
- dependabot alerts
- dependabot secrets
- deployments
- environments
- issues
- pages
- pull requests
- repository security advisories
- secret scanning alerts
- secrets
- webhooks
- workflows
- run
script to rename project files, generate Cosign artifacts, gather and upload secrets to GitHub Actions, etc.- run
./scripts/use_starter.sh $NEW_PROJECT_NAME_GOES_HERE
- to rename with a different GitHub username
- run
- set up new repository in quay.io web console
- (DockerHub and GitHub Container Registry do this automatically on first push/publish)
- name must match Git repo name
- grant robot user with username stored in QUAY_USERNAME "write" permissions (your quay.io account should already have admin permissions)
- set built packages visibility in GitHub packages to public
- navigate to https://github.com/users/$USERNAME/packages/container/$REPO/settings
- scroll down to "Danger Zone"
- change visibility to public
- run
./scripts/update_golang_version.sh $NEW_VERSION_GOES_HERE