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Tutorial 1

tomolimo edited this page May 21, 2019 · 9 revisions

Let's have a first tutorial with a very basic sample.

Let's create a process that will have only one task and one form, with three fields in the form: LastName, FirstName and Age (+ a submit button).

  1. In PM server, in designer panel, create a new process: 'Tutorial 1'
  2. Edit it and add a pool:
  3. add a task and a 'end event' to the pool
    And draw the lines between 'start event', task and 'end event'
  4. Let's create some 'Variables' in PM server:
  5. Let's create a dynaform using these variables:

    Name it 'Task 1 form', and 'Save & Open' it.
  6. Note that 'Submit' button must have its id='btnGLPISendRequest', if you want GLPI plugin to be able to detect submit of task.
  7. Define assignment rules for this task (select the GLPI user or group you want to use for the Tutorial 1). Also see Automatic actions
    Right click on the task and select 'Assignment Rules'
    On the left side of the dialog box (the 'Available users list'), search for 'GLPI users' group (if it's the name you set), and move it to the right side (the 'Assigned users list').

    Save the settings.
  8. Add the newly created dynaform to the 'Task 1' in the 'Steps' menu of the task. Right click on the task, and select 'Steps'. Then drag/drop the 'Task 1 form' from left side of dialog box to right side.

  1. Go to GLPI in the Process List, and click on "Synchronize Process List", you should be able to see the newly created process,
  2. Edit it, and go to 'Task List', and click on 'Synchronize Task list', and then you should be able to see the newly created task:
  3. Define the authorizations for this process: 'root entity' - 'your current profile' - 'R'. 'your current profile' must be replaced by the profile you want to use.
  4. Activate this process, and set it active for both incident tickets and request tickets.
  5. Go to an existing ticket, go to 'Process - Case' tab and pull-down the dropdown list: you should be able to select the 'Tutorial 1' process. Then press Start:
  6. It will automatically switch to the running case, And you should be able to view the first task of the newly created case.
  7. Play with the case :)