Make sure you've read all the instructions on how to complete the challenges.
Follow along with the daily guide.
Challenge 1 : Write a function nat_to_nat8 that converts a Nat n to a Nat8. Make sure that your function never trap.
Challenge 2 : Write a function max_number_with_n_bits that takes a Nat n and returns the maximum number than can be represented with only n-bits.
Challenge 3 : Write a function decimal_to_bits that takes a Nat n and returns a Text corresponding to the binary representation of this number.
Note : decimal_to_bits(255) -> "11111111". -
Challenge 4 : Write a function capitalize_character that takes a Char c and returns the capitalized version of it.
Challenge 5 : Write a function capitalize_text that takes a Text t and returns the capitalized version of it.
Challenge 6 : Write a function is_inside that takes two arguments : a Text t and a Char c and returns a Bool indicating if c is inside t .
Challenge 7 : Write a function trim_whitespace that takes a text t and returns the trimmed version of t. Note : Trim means removing any leading and trailing spaces from the text : trim_whitespace(" Hello ") -> "Hello".
Challenge 8 : Write a function duplicated_character that takes a Text t and returns the first duplicated character in t converted to Text. Note : The function should return the whole Text if there is no duplicate character : duplicated_character("Hello") -> "l" & duplicated_character("World") -> "World".
Challenge 9 : Write a function size_in_bytes that takes Text t and returns the number of bytes this text takes when encoded as UTF-8.
Challenge 10 :
- Watch this video on bubble sort.
- Implement a function bubble_sort that takes an array of natural numbers and returns the sorted array .
Good luck 🎉