Make sure you've read all the instructions on how to complete the challenges.
Follow along with the daily guide.
Challenge 1 : Write a function add that takes two natural numbers n and m and returns the sum.
Challenge 2 : Write a function square that takes a natural number n and returns the area of a square of length n.
Challenge 3 : Write a function days_to_second that takes a number of days n and returns the number of seconds.
Challenge 4 : Write two functions increment_counter & clear_counter .
- increment_counter returns the incremented value of counter by n.
- clear_counter sets the value of counter to 0.
Challenge 5 : Write a function divide that takes two natural numbers n and m and returns a boolean indicating if n divides m.
Challenge 6 : Write a function is_even that takes a natural number n and returns a boolean indicating if n is even.
Challenge 7 : Write a function sum_of_array that takes an array of natural numbers and returns the sum. This function will returns 0 if the array is empty.
Challenge 8 : Write a function maximum that takes an array of natural numbers and returns the maximum value in the array. This function will returns 0 if the array is empty.
Challenge 9 : Write a function remove_from_array that takes 2 parameters : an array of natural numbers and a natural number n and returns a new array where all occurences of n have been removed (order should remain unchanged).
Challenge 10 :
- Watch this video on selection sort.
- Implement a function selection_sort that takes an array of natural numbers and returns the sorted array .
Good luck 🎉