Spring boot backend application written in kotlin with a postgresql database.
RESTful API for managing a ship exploring game backend application, featuring server-sent events (SSE) to enable real-time communication between the client and server.
This application is currently hosted and running at url via the GCP Platform
To run the application on a local machine it is required to have installed the Java SDK, PostgreSQL and Ngrok.
For the database you need to have PostgreSQL running locally.
The following SCONQUEST_CLIENT_ID and POSTGRES_URI enviroment variables need to be added:
SCONQUEST_CLIENT_ID=<Google client id>
To request access to the Google client id contact us.
To compile a .jar artifact of the application, run on a terminal:
cd <project directory>/jvm/ship-conquest
gradlew clean build
To run the compiled .jar aritfact
cd <project directory>/jvm/ship-conquest/build/libs
java -jar ./ship-conquest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar