Elias-Fano encoding in Rust.
The Elias-Fano encoding scheme is a quasi-succinct compression method for monotonic integers using gap compression on a Bitset. It allows for decompression of a bit at any position in O(1)
time complexity.
Being quasi-succinct, it is therefore almost as good as the best theoretical possible compression as determined by the Shannon-Hartley theorem.
This implementation is based largely on one written in Go by Antonio Mallia which can be found at his repository amallia/go-ef.
- Tests
- Example usage
- Benchmarks, comparison with other implementations
Add the following line to your Cargo.toml:
+ elias-fano = "0.2.1"
extern crate elias_fano;
use elias_fano::EliasFano;
fn main() {
let sorted_array = [0, 3, 40, 1000];
let size = sorted_array.len();
let mut ef = EliasFano::new(sorted_array[size - 1], size as u64);
println!("{}", ef.value()); // 1
match ef.next() {
Ok(val) => println!("Retrieved value: {}", val), // 3
Err(error) => println!("Err: {}", error), // Out of bounds
let _ = ef.next();
println!("{}", ef.value()); // 40
println!("{}", ef.value()); // 0
let _ = ef.visit(3);
println!("{}", ef.value()); // 1000
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