Download the addon from
Copy the addons folder in your project directory.
In Project/Project Settings/Plugins set VPainter to Active.
In the 3d editor when a MeshInstance node with a valid mesh resource is selected an icon will appear in the top editor menu.
When clicked a new sidebar will appear with painting options.
brush tool : (Shortcut - "1") use to paint vertex colors. You can adjust the size with the sliders or by using "[" and "]"
picker tool: (Shortcut - "2") use to pick the vertex color under the mouse cursor when clicked.
blur tool : (shortcut - "3") in progress
fill tool : (shortcut - "4") use to fill the entire mesh with a color. Fill tool is affected by the opacity and blend mode.
color swatches: There are two color swatches. in the main panel. When clicked they reveal a color picker dialog. The last one clicked is the active one.
blending modes: There are currently 5 blending modes supported:
- MIX: linearly interpolated between the colors.
- ADD: adds the colors.
- SUBTRACT: subtracts the colors.
- MULTIPLY: multiplies the colors.
- DIVIDE: divides the colors.
size: controls the size of the brush and blur tool.
opacity: controls the opacity of the brush and fill tool.
hardness: controls the hardness of the brush and blur tool.
spacing : controls the spacing between the brush "dabs". Lower spacing results in a more precise line.
make local copy : makes a local copy of the mesh. It is useful if you don't want to overwrite your original mesh data.
- Currently Vpainter does not support godot's primitive meshes. It only works with imported meshes.
- Currently only RGB painting is supported. Alpha channel painting is in the works.
- Currently Vpainter does not support meshes with multiple instances of floating geometry.
In VPainter/addons/vpainter/additional_resources/ you will find two shaders:
- shader_vertex_color.shader:
A simple shader that displays the vertex color. It has the possibility to isolate R, G and B channels so you can preview them individually. - height_blend_4_textures.shader:
A shader used in the first presentation. It is used for mixing 4 textures based on a heightmap and vertex color.
The shader uses 3 textures per material:- M: A mask texture.
R channel contains the height information
G channel contains the rougness information
B channel contains the metal information. - C: RGB color/albedo information.
- N: Normalmap information.
- M: A mask texture.
- The height blend shader was made after this amazing post: