Here we provide details about data conventions and alike to make the code easier to understand, use and extend.
We process all datasets into an intermediate format, which shares the coordinate frame definitions with nerfstudio. In particular, use the OpenGL/Blender (and original NeRF) coordinate convention for cameras. +X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is pointing back and away from the camera. -Z is the look-at direction. The world space is oriented such that the up vector is +Z. The XY plane is parallel to the ground plane. All poses are in camera-to-world format.
The 4 DoF object poses are provided in the world coordinate system, parameterized by a 3D center position and a yaw angle in radians (rotation around the Z axis). The object dimensions are provided in [width, length, height]
order where in the neutral position (i.e. yaw angle 0) the box points in +Y direction.
We represent time as a float [-1, 1] in data and model.
We parse the intermediate format with a common dataparser ( The data should be sorted by:
- Sequences
- Frames
- Cameras
This is necessary for the pose optimization, which assumes a certain ordering of the poses to group them according to cameras.
images = [
ImageInfo(sequence 0 frame 0 camera 0)
ImageInfo(sequence 0 frame 0 camera 1)
ImageInfo(sequence 0 frame 1 camera 0)
ImageInfo(sequence 0 frame 1 camera 1)
ImageInfo(sequence 1 frame 0 camera 0)
ImageInfo(sequence 1 frame 0 camera 1)
ImageInfo(sequence 0 frame 1 camera 0)
ImageInfo(sequence 0 frame 1 camera 1)
The annotations are provided per-frame and further are indepedent from train / eval splits, provided as a single list to the model.
Due to a memory leak in the torchmetrics package, we use alternative implementations. We make sure they produce the same results (see tests/ Note that, when computing per-pixel ssim, the results can be slightly different due to padding. The deviation is usually within +/- 0.002 in evaluation.