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Prestissimo - C++ Presto Worker Implementation using Velox

Prestissimo implements the Presto Worker REST API using Velox.

Table of Contents

Build from Source

  • Clone the Presto repository

git clone

  • Run cd presto/presto-native-execution && make submodules

Dependency installation

Dependency installation scripts based on the operating system are available inside presto/presto-native-execution/scripts.

  • MacOS:
  • CentOS Stream 8:
  • Ubuntu:

Create a directory say dependencies and invoke one of these scripts from this folder. All the dependencies are installed in the system default location eg: /usr/local.

The following libraries are installed by the above setup scripts. The Velox library installs other dependencies not listed below.

Name Version
Velox Latest
CMake Minimum 3.10
gperf v3.1
proxygen v2024.04.01.00

Supported architectures, operating systems, and compilers

The supported architectures are x86_64 (avx, sse), and AArch64 (apple-m1+crc, neoverse-n1).

Prestissimo can be built by a variety of compilers (and versions) but not all. Compilers (and versions) not mentioned are known to not work or have not been tried.


OS compiler
CentOS 8/RHEL 8 gcc9
Ubuntu 22.04 gcc11
MacOS clang15

Older alternatives

OS compiler
Ubuntu 20.04 gcc9
MacOS clang14


OS compiler
CentOS 9/RHEL 9 gcc12

Build Prestissimo

To enable Parquet and S3 support, set PRESTO_ENABLE_PARQUET = "ON", PRESTO_ENABLE_S3 = "ON" in the environment.

S3 support needs the AWS SDK C++ library. This dependency can be installed by running the script below from the presto/presto-native-execution directory.

./velox/scripts/ aws

To enable JWT authentication support, set PRESTO_ENABLE_JWT = "ON" in the environment.

JWT authentication support needs the JWT CPP library. This dependency can be installed by running the script below from the presto/presto-native-execution directory.

./scripts/ jwt

  • After installing the above dependencies, from the presto/presto-native-execution directory, run make
  • For development, use make debug to build a non-optimized debug version.
  • Use make unittest to build and run tests.

Makefile Targets

A reminder of the available Makefile targets can be obtained using make help

    make help
    all                     Build the release version
    clean                   Delete all build artifacts
    cmake                   Use CMake to create a Makefile build system
    build                   Build the software based in BUILD_DIR and BUILD_TYPE variables
    debug                   Build with debugging symbols
    release                 Build the release version
    unittest                Build with debugging and run unit tests
    format-fix              Fix formatting issues in the current branch
    format-check            Check for formatting issues on the current branch
    header-fix              Fix license header issues in the current branch
    header-check            Check for license header issues on the current branch
    tidy-fix                Fix clang-tidy issues in the current branch
    tidy-check              Check clang-tidy issues in the current branch
    help                    Show the help messages

Build using Dockerfile

Information on how to build a dependency and runtime image of Prestissimo can be found here.


Setup Presto with IntelliJ IDEA and Prestissimo with CLion

Clone the whole Presto repository. Close IntelliJ and CLion if running.

From the Presto repo run the commands below:

  • git fetch upstream
  • git co upstream/master
  • mvn clean install -DskipTests -T1C -pl -presto-docs

Run IntelliJ IDEA:

Run HiveExternalWorkerQueryRunner,

  • Edit/Create HiveExternalWorkerQueryRunner Application Run/Debug Configuration (alter paths accordingly).
    • Main class: com.facebook.presto.nativeworker.HiveExternalWorkerQueryRunner.
    • VM options: -ea -Xmx5G -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Duser.timezone=America/Bahia_Banderas
    • Working directory: $MODULE_DIR$
    • Environment variables: PRESTO_SERVER=/Users/<user>/git/presto/presto-native-execution/cmake-build-debug/presto_cpp/main/presto_server;DATA_DIR=/Users/<user>/Desktop/data;WORKER_COUNT=0
    • Use classpath of module: choose presto-native-execution module.

Run IcebergExternalWorkerQueryRunner,

  • Edit/Create IcebergExternalWorkerQueryRunner Application Run/Debug Configuration (alter paths accordingly).
    • Main class: com.facebook.presto.nativeworker.IcebergExternalWorkerQueryRunner.
    • VM options: -ea -Xmx5G -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Duser.timezone=America/Bahia_Banderas
    • Working directory: $MODULE_DIR$
    • Environment variables: PRESTO_SERVER=/Users/<user>/git/presto/presto-native-execution/cmake-build-debug/presto_cpp/main/presto_server;DATA_DIR=/Users/<user>/Desktop/data;WORKER_COUNT=0
      • When addStorageFormatToPath = false (Default),

        $DATA_DIR/iceberg_data/<catalog_type>. Here catalog_type could be HIVE | HADOOP | NESSIE | REST.

        addStorageFormatToPath is false by default because Java HiveQueryRunner and IcebergQueryRunner do not add the file format to the path.

      • When addStorageFormatToPath = true,

        $DATA_DIR/iceberg_data/<file_format>/<catalog_type>. Here file_format could be PARQUET | ORC | AVRO and catalog_type could be HIVE | HADOOP | NESSIE | REST.

    • Use classpath of module: choose presto-native-execution module.

Run CLion:

  • File->Close Project if any is open.
  • Open presto/presto-native-execution directory as CMake project and wait till CLion loads/generates cmake files, symbols, etc.
  • Edit configuration for presto_server module (alter paths accordingly).
    • Program arguments: --logtostderr=1 --v=1 --etc_dir=/Users/<user>/git/presto/presto-native-execution/etc
    • Working directory: /Users/<user>/git/presto/presto-native-execution
  • Edit menu CLion->Preferences->Build, Execution, Deployment->CMake
    • Build options: -- -j 12
    • Optional CMake options to enable Parquet and S3: -DPRESTO_ENABLE_PARQUET=ON -DPRESTO_ENABLE_S3=ON
  • Edit menu CLion->Preferences->Editor->Code Style->C/C++
    • Scheme: Project
  • To enable clang format you need
    • Open any h or cpp file in the editor and select Enable ClangFormat by clicking 4 spaces rectangle in the status bar (bottom right) which is next to UTF-8 bar.


Run Presto Coordinator + Worker

  • Note that everything below can be done without using IDEs by running command line commands (not in this readme).
  • Run QueryRunner as per your choice,
    • For Hive, Run HiveExternalWorkerQueryRunner from IntelliJ and wait until it starts (======== SERVER STARTED ======== is displayed in the log output).
    • For Iceberg, Run IcebergExternalWorkerQueryRunner from IntelliJ and wait until it starts (======== SERVER STARTED ======== is displayed in the log output).
  • Scroll up the log output and find Discovery URL The port is 'random' with every start.
  • Copy that port (or the whole URL) to the discovery.uri field in presto/presto-native-execution/etc/ for the worker to discover the Coordinator.
  • In CLion run "presto_server" module. Connection success will be indicated by Announcement succeeded: 202 line in the log output.
  • Two ways to run Presto client to start executing queries on the running local setup:
    1. In command line from presto root directory run the presto client:
      • java -jar presto-cli/target/presto-cli-*-executable.jar --catalog hive --schema tpch
    2. Run Presto Client Application (see above on how to create and setup the configuration) inside IntelliJ
  • You can start from show tables; and describe table; queries and execute more queries as needed.

Run Integration (End to End or E2E) Tests

  • Note that everything below can be done w/o using IDEs by running command line commands (not in this readme).
  • Open a test file which has the test(s) you want to run in IntelliJ from presto/presto-native-execution/src/test/java/com/facebook/presto/nativeworker path.
  • Click the green arrow to the left of the test class line of code and chose if you want to Run or Debug. This will run all tests in this class.
  • Alternatively click the green arrow to the left of the test class' test method line of code and chose if you want tor Run or Debug. This will run all tests only in this class's member.
  • The framework will launch single Coordinator and four native workers to test-run the queries.
  • Similarly, the unit tests of Velox and presto_cpp can be run from CLion.

Code formatting, headers, and clang-tidy

Makefile targets exist for showing, fixing and checking formatting, license headers and clang-tidy warnings. These targets are shortcuts for calling presto/presto-native-execution/scripts/ .

GitHub Actions run make format-check, make header-check and make tidy-check as part of our continuous integration. Pull requests should pass linux-build, format-check, header-check and other jobs without errors before being accepted.

Formatting issues found on the changed lines in the current commit can be displayed using make format-show. These issues can be fixed by using make format-fix. This will apply formatting changes to changed lines in the current commit.

Header issues found on the changed files in the current commit can be displayed using make header-show. These issues can be fixed by using make header-fix. This will apply license header updates to the files in the current commit.

Similar commands make tidy-show, make-tidy-fix, make tidy-check exist for running clang-tidy, but these checks are currently advisory only.

An entire directory tree of files can be formatted and have license headers added using the tree variant of the commands:

presto/presto-native-execution/scripts/ format tree
presto/presto-native-execution/scripts/ format tree --fix

presto/presto-native-execution/scripts/ header tree
presto/presto-native-execution/scripts/ header tree --fix

All the available formatting commands can be displayed by using presto/presto-native-execution/scripts/ help.

There is currently no mechanism to opt out files or directories from the checks. When we need one it can be added.

Create Pull Request

  • Submit PRs as usual following Presto repository guidelines.
  • Prestissimo follows the Velox coding style.
  • Add [native] prefix in the title as well as to the commit message for PRs modifying anything in presto-native-execution.
  • PRs that only change files in presto-native-execution should be approved by a Code Owner (team-velox) to have merging enabled.

Advance Velox Version

For Prestissimo to use a newer Velox version from the Presto repository root:

  • git -C presto-native-execution/velox checkout main
  • git -C presto-native-execution/velox pull
  • git add presto-native-execution/velox
  • Build and run tests (including E2E) to ensure everything works.
  • Submit a PR, get it approved and merged.


For known build issues check the wiki page Troubleshooting known build issues.