Unfinished, random math exercises collected from Specifying Systems, LearnTLA, and elsewhere.
---- MODULE F ----
EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, Sequences
(* 1. Set of all permutations of {"T","L","A"} including repetitions. *)
PermsWithReps(S) ==
[ 1..Cardinality(S) -> S ]
PermsWithReps({"T","L","A"}) =
{<<"T", "T", "T">>, <<"T", "T", "L">>, <<"T", "T", "A">>,
<<"T", "L", "T">>, <<"T", "L", "L">>, <<"T", "L", "A">>,
<<"T", "A", "T">>, <<"T", "A", "L">>, <<"T", "A", "A">>,
<<"L", "T", "T">>, <<"L", "T", "L">>, <<"L", "T", "A">>,
<<"L", "L", "T">>, <<"L", "L", "L">>, <<"L", "L", "A">>,
<<"L", "A", "T">>, <<"L", "A", "L">>, <<"L", "A", "A">>,
<<"A", "T", "T">>, <<"A", "T", "L">>, <<"A", "T", "A">>,
<<"A", "L", "T">>, <<"A", "L", "L">>, <<"A", "L", "A">>,
<<"A", "A", "T">>, <<"A", "A", "L">>, <<"A", "A", "A">>}
(* 2. All combinations of a two-digit lock. *)
TwoDigitLock ==
[1..2 -> 0..9]
/\ (0..9) \X (0..9) = TwoDigitLock
/\ {<<n,m>> : n,m \in 10..19} \notin SUBSET TwoDigitLock
(* 3. All combinations of a three-digit lock. *)
ThreeDigitLock ==
[1..3 -> 0..9]
/\ (0..9) \X (0..9) \X (0..9) = ThreeDigitLock
/\ {<<n,m,o>> : n,m,o \in 10..19} \notin SUBSET ThreeDigitLock
(* 4. All pairs (including repetitions) of the natural numbers. *)
PairsOfNaturals ==
[1..2 -> Nat]
{<<n,m>> : n,m \in 0..100} \subseteq PairsOfNaturals
(* 5. All triples... *)
TriplesOfNaturals ==
[1..3 -> Nat]
{<<n,m,o>> : n,m,o \in 0..25} \subseteq TriplesOfNaturals
(* 6. Set of all pairs and triples... *)
PairsAndTriplesOfNaturals ==
[1..2 -> Nat] \cup [1..3 -> Nat]
/\ {<<n,m>> : n,m \in 0..100} \subseteq PairsAndTriplesOfNaturals
/\ {<<n,m,o>> : n,m,o \in 0..25} \subseteq PairsAndTriplesOfNaturals
(* 7. What is the Cardinality of 3. ? *)
Cardinality3 ==
ASSUME Cardinality3 = 1000
(* 8. What is the Cardinality of 6. (PairsAndTriplesOfNaturals) ? *)
(* 9. The range/image/co-domain of a function. *)
Range(f) == { f[x]: x \in DOMAIN f }
ASSUME Range([a |-> 1, b |-> 2, c |-> 3]) = 1..3
(* 10. The permutations of a set _without_ repetition. *)
Perms(S) ==
{ f \in [S -> S] :
Range(f) = S }
ASSUME Perms({1,2,3}) =
{<<1, 2, 3>>, <<1, 3, 2>>,
<<2, 1, 3>>, <<2, 3, 1>>,
<<3, 1, 2>>, <<3, 2, 1>>}
Perms2(S) ==
\* If for all w in S there exists a v in S for which f[v]=w,
\* there can be no repetitions as a consequence. The predicate
\* demands for all elements of S to be in the range of f.
{ f \in [S -> S] :
\A w \in S :
\E v \in S : f[v]=w }
ASSUME Perms2({1,2,3}) =
{<<1, 2, 3>>, <<1, 3, 2>>,
<<2, 1, 3>>, <<2, 3, 1>>,
<<3, 1, 2>>, <<3, 2, 1>>}
Perms3(S) ==
{ f \in [S -> S] :
\A i,j \in DOMAIN f :
i # j => f[i] # f[j] }
ASSUME Perms3({1,2,3}) =
{<<1, 2, 3>>, <<1, 3, 2>>,
<<2, 1, 3>>, <<2, 3, 1>>,
<<3, 1, 2>>, <<3, 2, 1>>}
(* 11. Reverse a sequence (a function with domain 1..N). *)
Reverse(seq) ==
[ i \in 1..Len(seq) |-> seq[Len(seq)+1 - i] ]
ASSUME Reverse(<<1, 2, 3>>) = <<3, 2, 1>>
ASSUME Reverse(<<>>) = <<>>
(* 12. An (infix) operator to quickly define a function mapping an x to a y. *)
x :> y ==
[ e \in {x} |-> y ]
ASSUME "x" :> 42 = [ x |-> 42 ]
(* 13. Merge two functions f and g *)
f ++ g ==
[x \in (DOMAIN f) \cup (DOMAIN g) |-> IF x \in DOMAIN f THEN f[x] ELSE g[x]]
ASSUME <<1,2,3>> ++ [i \in 1..6 |-> i] = <<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6>>
(* 14. Advanced!!! Inverse of a function f (swap the domain and range). *)
Inverse(f) ==
CHOOSE g \in [ Range(f) -> DOMAIN f] : \A s \in DOMAIN f: g[f[s]]=s
ASSUME Inverse(("a" :> 0) ++ ("b" :> 1) ++ ("c" :> 2)) =
((0 :> "a") ++ (1 :> "b") ++ (2 :> "c"))
-------------------------- MODULE SyntaxExcercises --------------------------
(* The idea is that learners get the spec with the operator _definitions_ replaced
with TRUE. A learner can then check their definitions with TLC. *)
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, TLC
(* The set of the fibonacci numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,... *)
MyNat == 1..21 \* perhaps, introduce model definitions right away?
fib[n \in MyNat] == IF n <= 2 THEN 1 ELSE fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]
ASSUME fib[12] = 144
RECURSIVE fibRecurse(_)
fibRecurse(n) == IF n <= 2 THEN 1 ELSE fibRecurse(n - 1) + fibRecurse(n - 2)
ASSUME fibRecurse(12) = 144
(* The set of fibonacci numbers in the range [10,20). *)
FibSet == { fib[n] : n \in 10..19 }
ASSUME FibSet = {55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181}
FibSetRecurse == { fibRecurse(n) : n \in 10..19 }
ASSUME FibSetRecurse = {55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181}
(* The sequence of fibonacci numbers in the range [10,20). *)
FibSeq == [ e \in 1..10 |-> fib[e+9] ]
ASSUME FibSeq = <<55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181>>
(* The range of a function func. *)
Range(func) == { func[e] : e \in DOMAIN func }
(* Change the 5., 10, 15. element of a function f to "abc", "def" and "ghi" *)
(* TCommit video Minute 12:30 *)
Replace(func, pos, value) == [func EXCEPT ![pos] = value ]
ASSUME [ i \in 1..3 |-> i^2 ] = Replace(Replace(Replace([i \in 1..3 |-> 0], 1, 1), 2, 4), 3, 9)
(* Excercise page 235/70 *)
(* The sequence obtained by removing the i-th element of seq. *)
Remove(seq, i) == [ j \in (1..Len(seq) - 1) |-> (IF j < i THEN seq[j] ELSE seq[j+1]) ]
(* Excercise page 341/91 *)
(* Recursive definition of the Len(seq) _operator_ with Tail. *)
RecLen(seq) == IF seq = <<>> THEN 0
ELSE 1 + RecLen(Tail(seq))
(* An alternative variant which treats seq as the function it is and *)
(* returns the maximum of its DOMAIN which corresponds to the number of *)
(* elements in seq. *)
DomLen(seq) == CHOOSE m \in (DOMAIN seq): (DOMAIN seq) = 1..m
(* Write an operator that returns the cardinality of a given set. *)
Card(S) == IF S = {} THEN 0 ELSE 1 + Card(S \ {CHOOSE e \in S : TRUE})
ASSUME Card({}) = 0 /\ Card({1,1,2,2,3,3}) = 3
(* Write an operator that takes a tuple/sequence and, if the tuple is *)
(* length two, returns the reversed tuple, and otherwise raises an error. *)
ReverseOfTwo(seq) == IF Len(seq) = 2 THEN <<seq[2], seq[1]>>
ELSE Assert(FALSE, "")
ASSUME <<4,5>> = ReverseOfTwo(<<5,4>>)
(* Write an operator that takes a sequence seq and, if the sequence is of *)
(* uneven length, returns the reversed sequence, otherwise return seq. *)
Uneven(n) == n % 2 = 1
Reverse(seq) == [ i \in 1..Len(seq) |-> seq[Len(seq) - (i-1)] ]
ReverseUneven(seq) == IF Uneven(Len(seq)) THEN Reverse(seq)
ELSE seq
ASSUME <<1,2,3,4,5>> = ReverseUneven(<<5,4,3,2,1>>)
ASSUME <<1,2,3,4>> = ReverseUneven(<<1,2,3,4>>)
(* Sum of elements in seq *)
(* Remove those elements from sequence seq for which Filter(_) holds. *)
RECURSIVE Subseq(_,_)
Subseq(Filter(_), seq) == IF seq = <<>>
THEN <<>>
ELSE IF Filter(Head(seq))
THEN <<Head(seq)>> \o Subseq(Filter, Tail(seq))
ELSE Subseq(Filter, Tail(seq))
Even(n) == ~Uneven(n)
ASSUME Subseq(Even, <<1,2,1,3,3,6,8,8,23,42>>) = <<2,6,8,8,42>>
SelectSeq2(Test(_), s) ==
LET S[i \in 0..Len(s)] ==
IF i = 0 THEN << >> \* As a basis set the s[0] = <<>>
ELSE IF Test(s[i]) THEN S[i-1] \o <<s[i]>> \* copy previous value and concat with s[i]
ELSE S[i-1] \* just copy the previous value
IN S[Len(s)] \* The maximum (last function position) contains the collected sequence
ASSUME Subseq(Even, <<1,2,1,3,3,6,8,8,23,42>>) = SelectSeq2(Even, <<1,2,1,3,3,6,8,8,23,42>>)
(* Given DOMAIN Tuple is the set of numbers Tuple is defined over, write *)
(* an operator that gives a set of the values of the Tuple, ie the range. *)
(* Write an operator that takes two sets S1 and S2 and determines if the *)
(* double of every element in S1 is an element of S2. *)
(* Given a sequence of sets, write an operator that determines if a given *)
(* element is found in any of the sequence’s sets. *)
(* IE Op("a", <<{"b", "c"}, {"a", "c"}>>) = TRUE. *)
(* Given the (built-in) set Nat (Naturals), create a subset of S whose largest element is 42. *)
(* Hint: Override Nat with 1..1000 on the Advanced Options page of the Model editor. By default *)
(* Nat is represented as a UserValue in TLC. A UserValue is _not_ enumerable, whereas a 1..1000 *)
(* is represented as a (finite) IntervalValue which subsequently can be enumerated. *)
Subset42 == { i \in Nat: i < 43 }
\*ASSUME Subset42 = 1..42
(* The inverse of a function *)
Inverse(f) ==
CHOOSE g \in [ Range(f) -> DOMAIN f] : \A s \in DOMAIN f: g[f[s]]=s
ASSUME Inverse("a" :> 0 @@ "b" :> 1 @@ "c" :> 2) = (0 :> "a" @@ 1 :> "b" @@ 2 :> "c")
(* Merge two functions f and g *)
Merge(f, g) ==
[x \in (DOMAIN f) \cup (DOMAIN g) |-> IF x \in DOMAIN f THEN f[x] ELSE g[x]]
ASSUME Merge(<<1,2,3>>, [i \in 1..6 |-> i]) = <<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6>>
(* The permutations of a set *)
Perms(S) ==
{f \in [S -> S] : \A w \in S : \E v \in S : f[v]=w}
ASSUME Perms({1,2,3}) = {<<1, 2, 3>>, <<1, 3, 2>>, <<2, 1, 3>>, <<2, 3, 1>>, <<3, 1, 2>>, <<3, 2, 1>>}
With the definitions from the Graphs module, under what conditions
an element ofPath(G)
? -
Find the following values, and use TLC to check your answers.
(See the file PrintValues.tla in the folder AsynchronousMemory.)
[i \in Nat |-> i^2][42]
LET f == [i \in Nat |-> i^2]
IN [f EXCEPT ![42] = 24][42]
LET f == [i \in Nat |-> i^2]
IN [f EXCEPT ![42] = @ - 24, ![24] = 42][42]
LET f[i \in Nat] == IF i = 0 THEN 0 ELSE f[i-1] + i
IN f[42]
[i \in {"a", "bc", "d"} |-> IF i = "a" THEN 17
ELSE 42].a
[i \in {"a", "bc", "d"} |-> IF i = "a" THEN 17
ELSE 42].bc
[a |-> 17, bc |-> 42, d |-> 42]["a"]
[a |-> 17, bc |-> 42, d |-> 42]["bc"]
DOMAIN [a |-> 17, bc |-> 42, d |-> 42]
LET f(a) == [i \in Nat |-> a^i]
g == [j \in Nat |-> f(j)]
IN g[2][3]
LET f(a) == [i \in Nat |-> a^i]
g == [j \in Nat |-> f(j)]
IN g[2][3]
[i \in Nat, j \in 1..10 |-> i*j][3,4]
Define an operator AF such that, if r is a record, then:
if r has a "count" field, then AF(r) is r with the count
field incremented by 1, otherwise, AF(r) is obtained from
r by adding a "count" field with value 0. -
Define an operator Reverse, so if s is any sequence, then
Reverse(s) is sequence s in reverse order. (Hint: you
don't have to use recursion.) Test it with
TLC. (Don't forget to check that it works on the empty
sequence,<< >>
.) -
Define a function
whose domain isSeq(Nat)
is the sum of the elements ofs
. (Let
Sum(<< >>)
.) -
Determine which of the following formulas are tautologies.
(F => G) /\ (G => F) <=> (F <=> G)
(~F /\ ~G) <=> (~F) \/ (~G)
F => (F => G)
(F => G) <=> (~G => ~F)
(F => (G => H)) => ((F => G) => H)
(F <=> (G <=> H)) => ((F <=> G) <=> H)
(\A x : F /\ G) <=> (\A x : F) /\ (\A x : G)
(\E x : F /\ G) <=> (\E x : F) /\ (\E x : G)
(\A x : F \/ G) <=> (\A x : F) \/ (\A x : G)
(\E x : F \/ G) <=> (\E x : F) \/ (\E x : G)
- Which of the following formulas are valid for all sets S, T, and U?
(S \subseteq T) <=> (S \cup T = T)
(S \subseteq T) <=> \A x \in S : x \in T
(S = T) <=> (S \subseteq T) /\ (T \subseteq S)
(S \subseteq T) <=> (S \ T = {})
(S \ T) \cup (T \ S) = (S \cup T) \ (S \cap T)
(S \ (T \cap U)) = (S \ T) \cup (S \ U)
- Determine which of the following formulas are temporal
tautologies. For each one that isn't, give a counterexample.
(a) <>[]<>F <=> []<>F
(b) []<>[]F <=> []<>F
(c) ~[](F \/ G) => <>~F /\ <>~G
(d) []([]F => G) => ([]F => []G)
(e) [](F => []G) => ([]F => []G)
(f) [][A /\ B]_v <=> [][A]_v /\ [][B]_v
(g) []<><<A /\ B>>_v <=> []<><<A>>_v /\ []<><<B>>_v
(h) [][A => B]_v <=> [][<<A>>_v => B]_v
(i) WF_v(A) /\ WF_v(B) => WF_v(A \/ B)
(j) SF_v(A) /\ SF_v(B) => SF_v(A \/ B)
(k) ENABLED (A /\ B) => (ENABLED A) /\ (ENABLED B)
(a) Use TLC to print all Pythagorean triples
i^2 + j^2 = k^2
for natural numbers i,j,k \leq N.
Start with N=20. (Don't be clever and use the formula for
generating Pythagorean triples; have TLC to it in a straightforward
fashion.)(b) Next, get TLC to print only essentially Pythagorean triples--that
is, Pythagorean triples<<i, j, k>>
such that i \leq j and i,j, and k
have no common factor. Try it with N = 50, 100, ... . Why does TLC
take longer to generate each example as N increases?