Keycloak is an SSO Service for web apps and REST services. For more information visit
Ensure you have JDK 7 (or newer), Maven 3.2.1 (or newer) and Git installed
java -version
mvn -version
git --version
First clone the Keycloak repository:
git clone
cd keycloak
To build Keycloak run:
mvn install
This will build all modules and run the testsuite.
To build the distribution run:
mvn install -Pdistribution
Once completed you will find distribution archives in distribution
To start Keycloak during development first build as specficied above, then run:
mvn -f testsuite/integration/pom.xml exec:java -Pkeycloak-server
To start Keycloak from the appliance distribution first build the distribution it as specified above, then run:
tar xfz distribution/appliance-dist/target/keycloak-appliance-dist-all-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd keycloak-appliance-dist-all-<VERSION>/keycloak
To stop the server press Ctrl + C