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The traffic_light_map_based_detector Package


traffic_light_map_based_detector calculates where the traffic lights will appear in the image based on the HD map.

Calibration and vibration errors can be entered as parameters, and the size of the detected RegionOfInterest will change according to the error.


If the node receives route information, it only looks at traffic lights on that route. If the node receives no route information, it looks at a radius of 200 meters and the angle between the traffic light and the camera is less than 40 degrees.

Input topics

Name Type Description
~input/vector_map autoware_auto_mapping_msgs::HADMapBin vector map
~input/camera_info sensor_msgs::CameraInfo target camera parameter
~input/route autoware_auto_planning_msgs::HADMapRoute optional: route

Output topics

Name Type Description
~output/rois autoware_auto_perception_msgs::TrafficLightRoiArray location of traffic lights in image corresponding to the camera info
~debug/markers visualization_msgs::MarkerArray visualization to debug

Node parameters

Parameter Type Description
max_vibration_pitch double Maximum error in pitch direction. If -5~+5, it will be 10.
max_vibration_yaw double Maximum error in yaw direction. If -5~+5, it will be 10.
max_vibration_height double Maximum error in height direction. If -5~+5, it will be 10.
max_vibration_width double Maximum error in width direction. If -5~+5, it will be 10.
max_vibration_depth double Maximum error in depth direction. If -5~+5, it will be 10.