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This package contains a sensor fusion module for radar-detected objects and 3D detected objects. The fusion node can:

  • Attach velocity to 3D detections when successfully matching radar data. The tracking modules use the velocity information to enhance the tracking results while planning modules use it to execute actions like adaptive cruise control.
  • Improve the low confidence 3D detections when corresponding radar detections are found.


Core algorithm

The document of core algorithm is here

Parameters for sensor fusion

Name Type Description Default value
bounding_box_margin double The distance to extend the 2D bird's-eye view Bounding Box on each side. This distance is used as a threshold to find radar centroids falling inside the extended box. [m] 2.0
split_threshold_velocity double The object's velocity threshold to decide to split for two objects from radar information (currently not implemented) [m/s] 5.0
threshold_yaw_diff double The yaw orientation threshold. If $ \vert \theta {ob} - \theta {ra} \vert < thresholdyaw_diff $ attached to radar information include estimated velocity, where $ \theta{ob} $ is yaw angle from 3d detected object, $ \theta_ {ra} $ is yaw angle from radar object. [rad] 0.35

Weight parameters for velocity estimation

To tune these weight parameters, please see document in detail.

Name Type Description Default value
velocity_weight_average double The twist coefficient of average twist of radar data in velocity estimation. 0.0
velocity_weight_median double The twist coefficient of median twist of radar data in velocity estimation. 0.0
velocity_weight_min_distance double The twist coefficient of radar data nearest to the center of bounding box in velocity estimation. 1.0
velocity_weight_target_value_average double The twist coefficient of target value weighted average in velocity estimation. Target value is amplitude if using radar pointcloud. Target value is probability if using radar objects.
velocity_weight_target_value_top double The twist coefficient of top target value radar data in velocity estimation. Target value is amplitude if using radar pointcloud. Target value is probability if using radar objects. 0.0

Parameters for fixed object information

Name Type Description Default value
convert_doppler_to_twist bool Convert doppler velocity to twist using the yaw information of a detected object. false
threshold_probability float If the probability of an output object is lower than this parameter, and the output object does not have radar points/objects, then delete the object. 0.4
compensate_probability bool If this parameter is true, compensate probability of objects to threshold probability. false


Sensor fusion with radar objects and a detected object.

  • Calculation cost is O(nm).
    • n: the number of radar objects.
    • m: the number of objects from 3d detection.

How to launch

ros2 launch radar_fusion_to_detected_object radar_object_to_detected_object.launch.xml


Name Type Description
~/input/objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObject.msg 3D detected objects.
~/input/radar_objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObjects.msg Radar objects. Note that frame_id need to be same as ~/input/objects


Name Type Description
~/output/objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects.msg 3D detected object with twist.
~/debug/low_confidence_objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects.msg 3D detected object that doesn't output as ~/output/objects because of low confidence


Name Type Description Default value
update_rate_hz double The update rate [hz]. 20.0

radar_scan_fusion_to_detected_object (TBD)