A carousel/slideshow is used to cycle through elements. A plugin to display images as a responsive slideshow. Special thanks to Farzad Soltani for his bootstrap image carousel plugin, that will add a bootstrap carousel with three images (static), but this plugin (Bootstrap Carousel Extension) will render a bootstrap carousel region based on query output (dynamic) and changing the slides can be controlled via left and right arrow keys.
Demo Application: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=133110:9999::BRANCH_TO_PAGE_ACCEPT::9999:P9999_APP_PAGE_REDIRECT:8
DB versions:,,,,,,,
APEX versions,,21.1.0
Export plugin file "region_type_plugin_orclking_bootstrap_carousel_extension.sql" from source directory and import it into your application.
Step 1: Export a script "Script to Populate Sample Data.sql" from directory and compile it in your schema.
Step 2: Create a new blank page.
Step 3: Export plugin file "region_type_plugin_orclking_bootstrap_carousel_extension.sql" from Source directory and import it into your application.
Navigation: Shared Components ==> Plug-ins ==> Import
Plugin will be listed under plug-ins bucket after successful installation.
Step 4: Create a region to the page. Change region type to Bootstrap Carousel Extension [Plug-In].
Step 5: Construct Oracle SQL query and copy and paste it in region SQL Query section.
Query Template:
SELECT 1 slide_key,
'https://image.com/01' slide_url
FROM dual
WHERE 1 = 1;
Sample Query to Render a Report:
Note: Populate sample data by exporting a script "Script to Populate Sample Data.sql" from directory and compile it in your schema.
SELECT document_id slide_key,
file_url slide_url
FROM fxgn_documents
ORDER BY sequence_no ASC;
Step 6: Set region template "Blank with Attributes".
Step 7: Fill required attributes
Output: Then you output would display like this,
Note: This pugin will support for all language applications. Please give a try.
That's it.
Happy APEXing!!!...