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Local Vitess cluster using docker-compose

This directory has a docker-compose sample application. To understand it better, you can run it.

First you will need to install docker-compose.

Before you begin

You will need to create a docker-compose.yml file. There are 2 ways to do this.

  1. Run go run vtcompose/vtcompose.go --args. Instructions can be found here
  2. Use the docker-compose.beginners.yml to generate your docker-compose.yml file. Run:
vitess/examples/compose$ cp docker-compose.beginners.yml docker-compose.yml

Create your .env file

vitess/examples/compose$ cp template.env .env

You can then proceed to the instructions under Start the Cluster section.

Programatically create Vitess configuration for Docker

To create a configuration to your specifications, run vtcompose. Creates corresponding docker-compose file, vschema files per keyspace, and loads schemas.

vitess/examples/compose$ go run vtcompose/vtcompose.go  --args(optional)

Use -h or --help to get list of flags with descriptions.

Flags available:

  • baseDockerComposeFile - Specifies starting docker-compose yaml file.
  • baseVschemaFile - Specifies starting vschema json file.
  • topologyFlags - Specifies Vitess topology flags config
  • webPort - Specifies web port to be used.
  • gRpcPort - Specifies gRPC port to be used.
  • mySqlPort - Specifies mySql port to be used.
  • cell - `Specifies Vitess cell name to be used.
  • keyspaceData - List of keyspace_name:num_of_shards:num_of_replica_tablets:schema_file_names:<optional>lookup_keyspace_name separated by ';'.
    • This is where you specify most of the data for the program to build your vSchema and docker-compose files.
    • Examples you can run;
    • Default
    go run vtcompose/vtcompose.go
    • Use 0 for num_of_shards to specify an unsharded keyspace
    go run vtcompose/vtcompose.go -keyspaceData="test_keyspace:0:2:create_messages.sql"
    • Multiple keyspaces with sharded test_keyspace
    go run vtcompose/vtcompose.go -keyspaceData="test_keyspace:2:1:create_messages.sql,create_tokens.sql:lookup_keyspace;lookup_keyspace:1:1:create_tokens_token_lookup.sql,create_messages_message_lookup.sql"
  • externalDbData - Specifies which databases/keyspaces are external and provides data along with it to connect to the external db. List of <external_db_name>,<DB_HOST>,<DB_PORT>,<DB_USER>,<DB_PASS>,<DB_CHARSET> separated by ';'.
    When using this, make sure to have the external_db_name/keyspace in the keyspaceData flag with no schema_file_names specified.
    go run vtcompose/vtcompose.go -keyspaces="test:0:2::" -externalDbData="test: SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"

Start the cluster

To start Consul(which saves the topology config), vtctld, vtgate and a few vttablets with MySQL running on them.

vitess/examples/compose$ docker-compose up -d

Check the status of the containers

You can check the logs of the containers (vtgate, vttablet101, vttablet102, vttablet103) at any time. For example to check vtgate logs, run the following;

vitess/examples/compose$ docker-compose logs -f vtgate

Load the schema

Note: Should not be needed if VtCompose was used.

We need to create a few tables into our new cluster. To do that, we can run the ApplySchema command.

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ ApplySchema -sql "$(cat tables/create_messages.sql)" test_keyspace	

Create Vschema

Note: Should not be needed if VtCompose was used.
Create Vschema

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ ApplyVschema -vschema '{"sharded": false }' test_keyspace	

Run the client to insert and read some data

This will build and run the client.go file. It will insert and read data from the master and from the replica. See Possible Errors.

vitess/examples/compose$ ./

Connect to vgate and run queries

vtgate responds to the MySQL protocol, so we can connect to it using the default MySQL client command line.

vitess/examples/compose$ mysql --port=15306 --host=

Note that you may need to replace with docker ip or docker-machine ip

You can also use the ./ helper script.

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ --port=15306 --host=<DOCKER_HOST_IP>

where <DOCKER_HOST_IP> is docker-machine ip or external docker host ip addr

Play around with vtctl commands

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ Help


Note that you may need to replace localhost with docker ip or docker-machine ip


If the cluster gets in a bad state, you most likely will have to stop and kill the containers. Note: you will lose all the data.

vitess/examples/compose$ docker-compose kill
vitess/examples/compose$ docker-compose rm

Advanced Usage

External mysql instance

The compose example has the capability to run against an external mysql instance. Kindly take care to secure your connection to the database. To start vitess against unsharded external mysql, change the following variables in your .env file to match your external database;


Ensure you have log bin enabled on your external database.

Start the cluster

vitess/examples/compose$ docker-compose up -d

Check replication status

Once vitess starts, check if replication is working

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ status

Fix replication

To fix replication, place a mysqldump of the database in vitess/examples/compose/script with filename 'database.sql' You may then run the following command

vitess/examples/compose$ ./

Apply Vschema

Apply Vschema for the unsharded keyspace

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ ApplyVschema -vschema '{"sharded":false, "tables": {"*": {} } }' external_db_name	

Connect to vgate and run queries

vtgate responds to the MySQL protocol, so we can connect to it using the default MySQL client command line.

vitess/examples/compose$ mysql --port=15306 --host=<host of machine containers are running in e.g., docker-machine ip e.t.c>

mysql> show databases;
| Databases          |
| external_db_name   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use external_db_name@master or use external_db_name@replica or use external_db_name@rdonly;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> use external_db_name@replica;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_external_db_name                 |
| DATABASECHANGELOG                          |
| ......................                     |
| table_name_1                               |
| table_name_2                               |
| ......................                     |
|                                            |
29 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Helper Scripts

The following helper scripts are included to help you perform various actions easily

  • vitess/examples/compose/
  • vitess/examples/compose/
  • vitess/examples/compose/

You may run them as below

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ <args>

To run against a specific compose service/container, use the environment variable $CS

vitess/examples/compose$ (export CS=vttablet101; ./ <args> )

Common Errors

  1. Running ./ may generate the following error
vitess/examples/compose$ ./
Inserting into master...
exec failed: Code: FAILED_PRECONDITION
vtgate: ...vttablet: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement (errno 1290) ...
exit status 1

To resolve use the SetReadWrite command on master.

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ SetReadWrite test-101
2. Running ./ ApplyVschema -vschema '{"sharded":false }' may result in an error referenced by this [issue](vitessio#4013 )

A quick fix for unsharded db is;

vitess/examples/compose$ ./ ApplyVschema -vschema '{"sharded":false, "tables": {"*": {} } }' external_db_name
This has since been fixed by vitessio#4868 & vitessio#5010