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549 lines (356 loc) · 23.4 KB

File metadata and controls

549 lines (356 loc) · 23.4 KB

v1.6.x - yyyy-mm-dd

Changes affecting backward compatibility

  • Deprecated std/mersenne.

  • system.delete had a most surprising behavior when the index passed to it was out of bounds (it would delete the last entry then). Compile with -d:nimStrictDelete so that an index error is produced instead. But be aware that your code might depend on this quirky behavior so a review process is required on your part before you can use -d:nimStrictDelete. To make this review easier, use the -d:nimAuditDelete switch, it pretends that system.delete is deprecated so that it is easier to see where it was used in your code.

    -d:nimStrictDelete will become the default in upcoming versions.

  • cuchar is now deprecated as it aliased char where arguably it should have aliased uint8. Please use char or uint8 instead.

  • repr now doesn't insert trailing newline; previous behavior was very inconsistent, see #16034. Use -d:nimLegacyReprWithNewline for previous behavior.

  • A type conversion from one enum type to another now produces an [EnumConv] warning. You should use ord (or cast, but the compiler won't help, if you misuse it) instead.

    type A = enum a1, a2
    type B = enum b1, b2
    echo a1.B # produces a warning
    echo a1.ord.B # produces no warning
  • A dangerous implicit conversion to cstring now triggers a [CStringConv] warning. This warning will become an error in future versions! Use an explicit conversion like cstring(x) in order to silence the warning.

  • There is a new warning for any type conversion to enum that can be enabled via .warning[AnyEnumConv]:on or --warning:AnyEnumConv:on.

  • Type mismatch errors now show more context, use -d:nimLegacyTypeMismatch for previous behavior.

  • math.round now is rounded "away from zero" in JS backend which is consistent with other backends. See #9125. Use -d:nimLegacyJsRound for previous behavior.

  • Changed the behavior of uri.decodeQuery when there are unencoded = characters in the decoded values. Prior versions would raise an error. This is no longer the case to comply with the HTML spec and other languages implementations. Old behavior can be obtained with -d:nimLegacyParseQueryStrict. cgi.decodeData which uses the same underlying code is also updated the same way.

  • On POSIX systems, the default signal handlers used for Nim programs (it's used for printing the stacktrace on fatal signals) will now re-raise the signal for the OS default handlers to handle.

    This lets the OS perform its default actions, which might include core dumping (on select signals) and notifying the parent process about the cause of termination.

  • On POSIX systems, we now ignore SIGPIPE signals, use -d:nimLegacySigpipeHandler for previous behavior.

  • hashes.hash can now support object and ref (can be overloaded in user code), if -d:nimEnableHashRef is used.

  • hashes.hash(proc|ptr|ref|pointer) now calls hash(int) and honors -d:nimIntHash1, hashes.hash(closure) has also been improved.

  • The unary slice ..b was deprecated, use 0..b instead.

  • Removed .travis.yml, appveyor.yml.disabled, .github/workflows/ci.yml.disabled.

  • random.initRand(seed) now produces non-skewed values for the 1st call to rand() after initialization with a small (< 30000) seed. Use -d:nimLegacyRandomInitRand to restore previous behavior for a transition time, see PR #17467.

  • jsonutils now serializes/deserializes holey enums as regular enums (via ord) instead of as strings. Use -d:nimLegacyJsonutilsHoleyEnum for a transition period. toJson now serializes JsonNode as is via reference (without a deep copy) instead of treating JsonNode as a regular ref object, this can be customized via jsonNodeMode.

  • json and jsonutils now serialize NaN, Inf, -Inf as strings, so that %[NaN, -Inf] is the string ["nan","-inf"] instead of [nan,-inf] which was invalid json.

  • strformat is now part of include std/prelude.

  • Deprecated proc reversed*[T](a: openArray[T], first: Natural, last: int): seq[T] in std/algorithm.

  • In std/macros, treeRepr,lispRepr,astGenRepr now represent SymChoice nodes in a collapsed way, use -d:nimLegacyMacrosCollapseSymChoice to get previous behavior.

  • The configuration subsystem now allows for -d:release and -d:danger to work as expected. The downside is that these defines now have custom logic that doesn't apply for other defines.

  • std/os: putEnv now raises if the 1st argument contains a =

  • Renamed -d:nimCompilerStackraceHints to -d:nimCompilerStacktraceHints.

  • In std/dom, Interval is now a ref object, same as Timeout. Definitions of setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval were updated.

  • With -d:nimPreviewDotLikeOps (default in devel), dot-like operators (operators starting with ., but not with ..) now have the same precedence as ., so that a.?b.c is now parsed as (a.?b).c instead of a.?(b.c). A warning is generated when a dot-like operator is used without -d:nimPreviewDotLikeOps.

  • The allocator for Nintendo Switch, which was nonfunctional because of breaking changes in libnx, was removed, in favour of the new -d:nimAllocPagesViaMalloc option.

Standard library additions and changes

  • strformat: added support for parenthesized expressions. added support for const string's instead of just string literals

  • system.addFloat and system.$ now can produce string representations of floating point numbers that are minimal in size and that "roundtrip" (via the "Dragonbox" algorithm). This currently has to be enabled via -d:nimPreviewFloatRoundtrip. It is expected that this behavior becomes the new default in upcoming versions, as with other nimPreviewX define flags.

  • Fixed buffer overflow bugs in net

  • Exported sslHandle from net and asyncnet.

  • Added sections iterator in parsecfg.

  • Make custom op in macros.quote work for all statements.

  • On Windows the SSL library now checks for valid certificates. It uses the cacert.pem file for this purpose which was extracted from Besides the OpenSSL DLLs (e.g. libssl-1_1-x64.dll, libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll) you now also need to ship cacert.pem with your .exe file.

  • typetraits: distinctBase now is identity instead of error for non distinct types. Added enumLen to return the number of elements in an enum. Added HoleyEnum for enums with holes, OrdinalEnum for enums without holes. Added hasClosure. Added pointerBase to return T for ref T | ptr T.

  • prelude now works with the JavaScript target. Added sequtils import to prelude. prelude can now be used via include std/prelude, but include prelude still works.

  • Added almostEqual in math for comparing two float values using a machine epsilon.

  • Added clamp in math which allows using a Slice to clamp to a value.

  • Added ceilDiv in math for round up integer division.

  • The JSON module can now handle integer literals and floating point literals of arbitrary length and precision. Numbers that do not fit the underlying BiggestInt or BiggestFloat fields are kept as string literals and one can use external BigNum libraries to handle these. The parseFloat family of functions also has now optional rawIntegers and rawFloats parameters that can be used to enforce that all integer or float literals remain in the "raw" string form so that client code can easily treat small and large numbers uniformly.

  • Added BackwardsIndex overload for JsonNode.

  • json.%,, jsonutils.formJson,jsonutils.toJson now work with uint|uint64 instead of raising (as in 1.4) or giving wrong results (as in 1.2).

  • jsonutils now handles cstring (including as Table key), and set.

  • added jsonutils.jsonTo overload with opt = Joptions() param.

  • jsonutils.toJson now supports customization via ToJsonOptions.

  • Added an overload for the collect macro that inferes the container type based on the syntax of the last expression. Works with std seqs, tables and sets.

  • Added randState template that exposes the default random number generator. Useful for library authors.

  • Added random.initRand() overload with no argument which uses the current time as a seed.

  • random.initRand(seed) now allows seed == 0.

  • Added std/sysrand module to get random numbers from a secure source provided by the operating system.

  • Added std/enumutils module. Added genEnumCaseStmt macro that generates case statement to parse string to enum. Added items for enums with holes. Added symbolName to return the enum symbol name ignoring the human readable name. Added symbolRank to return the index in which an enum member is listed in an enum.

  • Removed deprecated iup module from stdlib, it has already moved to nimble.

  • various functions in httpclient now accept url of type Uri. Moreover request function's httpMethod argument of type string was deprecated in favor of HttpMethod enum type.

  • nodejs backend now supports osenv: getEnv, putEnv, envPairs, delEnv, existsEnv.

  • Added cmpMem to system.

  • doAssertRaises now correctly handles foreign exceptions.

  • Added asyncdispatch.activeDescriptors that returns the number of currently active async event handles/file descriptors.

  • Added getPort to asynchttpserver.

  • --gc:orc is now 10% faster than previously for common workloads. If you have trouble with its changed behavior, compile with -d:nimOldOrc.

  • os.FileInfo (returned by getFileInfo) now contains blockSize, determining preferred I/O block size for this file object.

  • Added os.getCacheDir() to return platform specific cache directory.

  • Added a simpler to use io.readChars overload.

  • Added ** to jsffi.

  • writeStackTrace is available in JS backend now.

  • Added decodeQuery to std/uri.

  • strscans.scanf now supports parsing single characters.

  • strscans.scanTuple added which uses strscans.scanf internally, returning a tuple which can be unpacked for easier usage of scanf.

  • Added setutils.toSet that can take any iterable and convert it to a built-in set, if the iterable yields a built-in settable type.

  • Added setutils.fullSet which returns a full built-in set for a valid type.

  • Added setutils.complement which returns the complement of a built-in set.

  • Added setutils.[]=.

  • Added math.isNaN.

  • Added jsbigints module, arbitrary precision integers for JavaScript target.

  • Added math.copySign.

  • Added new operations for singly- and doubly linked lists: lists.toSinglyLinkedList and lists.toDoublyLinkedList convert from openArrays; lists.copy implements shallow copying; lists.add concatenates two lists - an O(1) variation that consumes its argument, addMoved, is also supplied.

  • Added euclDiv and euclMod to math.

  • Added httpcore.is1xx and missing HTTP codes.

  • Added jsconsole.jsAssert for JavaScript target.

  • Added posix_utils.osReleaseFile to get system identification from os-release file on Linux and the BSDs.

  • Added socketstream module that wraps sockets in the stream interface

  • Added sugar.dumpToString which improves on sugar.dump.

  • Added math.signbit.

  • Removed the optional longestMatch parameter of the critbits._WithPrefix iterators (it never worked reliably)

  • In lists: renamed append to add and retained append as an alias; added prepend and prependMoved analogously to add and addMoved; added remove for SinglyLinkedLists.

  • Deprecated any. See nim-lang/RFCs#281

  • Added optional options argument to copyFile, copyFileToDir, and copyFileWithPermissions. By default, on non-Windows OSes, symlinks are followed (copy files symlinks point to); on Windows, options argument is ignored and symlinks are skipped.

  • On non-Windows OSes, copyDir and copyDirWithPermissions copy symlinks as symlinks (instead of skipping them as it was before); on Windows symlinks are skipped.

  • On non-Windows OSes, moveFile and moveDir move symlinks as symlinks (instead of skipping them sometimes as it was before).

  • Added optional followSymlinks argument to setFilePermissions.

  • Added os.isAdmin to tell whether the caller's process is a member of the Administrators local group (on Windows) or a root (on POSIX).

  • Added experimental linenoise.readLineStatus to get line and status (e.g. ctrl-D or ctrl-C).

  • Added compilesettings.SingleValueSetting.libPath.

  • std/wrapnils doesn't use experimental:dotOperators anymore, avoiding issues like nim-lang#13063 (which affected error messages) for modules importing std/wrapnils. Added ??. macro which returns an Option. std/wrapnils can now be used to protect against FieldDefect errors in case objects, generates optimal code (no overhead compared to manual if-else branches), and preserves lvalue semantics which allows modifying an expression.

  • Added math.frexp overload procs. Deprecated c_frexp, use frexp instead.

  • parseopt.initOptParser has been made available and parseopt has been added back to prelude for all backends. Previously initOptParser was unavailable if the os module did not have paramCount or paramStr, but the use of these in initOptParser were conditionally to the runtime arguments passed to it, so initOptParser has been changed to raise ValueError when the real command line is not available. parseopt was previously excluded from prelude for JS, as it could not be imported.

  • Added system.prepareStrMutation for better support of low level moveMem, copyMem operations for Orc's copy-on-write string implementation.

  • Added std/strbasics for high performance string operations. Added strip, setSlice, add(a: var string, b: openArray[char]).

  • std/options changed $some(3) to "some(3)" instead of "Some(3)" and $none(int) to "none(int)" instead of "None[int]".

  • Added algorithm.merge.

  • Added std/jsfetch module Fetch wrapper for JavaScript target.

  • Added std/jsheaders module Headers wrapper for JavaScript target.

  • Added std/jsformdata module FormData wrapper for JavaScript target.

  • system.addEscapedChar now renders \r as \r instead of \c, to be compatible with most other languages.

  • Removed support for named procs in sugar.=>.

  • Added jscore.debugger to call any available debugging functionality, such as breakpoints..

  • Added std/channels.

  • Added htmlgen.portal for making "SPA style" pages using HTML only.

  • std/times: Added ZZZ and ZZZZ patterns to times.nim DateTime parsing, to match time zone offsets without colons, e.g. UTC+7 -> +0700.

    Added dateTime and deprecated initDateTime.

  • Added jsconsole.dir, jsconsole.dirxml, jsconsole.timeStamp.

  • Added dollar $ and len for jsre.RegExp.

  • Added std/tasks.

  • Added hasDataBuffered to asyncnet.

  • Added std/tempfiles.

  • Added genasts.genAst that avoids the problems inherent with quote do and can be used as a replacement.

  • Added copyWithin for seq and array for JavaScript targets.

  • Fixed premature garbage collection in asyncdispatch, when a stack trace override is in place.

  • Added setCurrentException for JS backend.

  • Added dom.scrollIntoView proc with options

  • Added dom.setInterval, dom.clearInterval overloads.

  • Merged dom_extensions module into dom module, it was a module with a single line, see nim-lang/RFCs#413

  • Allow reading parameters when compiling for Nintendo Switch.

  • Deprecated sequtils.delete and added an overload taking a Slice that raises a defect if the slice is out of bounds, likewise with strutils.delete.

Language changes

  • nimscript now handles except Exception as e.

  • The cstring doesn't support []= operator in JS backend.

  • nil dereference is not allowed at compile time. cast[ptr int](nil)[] is rejected at compile time.

  • os.copyFile is now 2.5x faster on OSX, by using copyfile from copyfile.h; use -d:nimLegacyCopyFile for OSX < 10.5.

  • The required name of case statement macros for the experimental caseStmtMacros feature has changed from match to `case`.

  • typedesc[Foo] now renders as such instead of type Foo in compiler messages.

  • The unary minus in -1 is now part of the integer literal, it is now parsed as a single token. This implies that edge cases like -128'i8 finally work correctly.

  • Custom numeric literals (e.g. -128'bignum) are now supported.

  • Tuple expressions are now parsed consistently as nnkTupleConstr node. Will affect macros expecting nodes to be of nnkPar.

  • nim e now accepts arbitrary file extensions for the nimscript file, although .nims is still the preferred extension in general.

  • Added iterable[T] type class to match called iterators, which enables writing: template fn(a: iterable) instead of template fn(a: untyped)

  • A new import syntax import foo {.all.} now allows to import all symbols (public or private) from foo. It works in combination with all pre-existing import features. This reduces or eliminates the need for workarounds such as using include (which has known issues) when you need a private symbol for testing or making some internal APIs public just because another internal module needs those. It also helps mitigate the lack of cyclic imports in some cases.

  • Added a new module std/importutils, and an API privateAccess, which allows access to private fields for an object type in the current scope.

  • typeof(voidStmt) now works and returns void.

  • The gc:orc algorithm was refined so that custom container types can participate in the cycle collection process.

  • On embedded devices malloc can now be used instead of mmap via -d:nimAllocPagesViaMalloc. This is only supported for --gc:orc or --gc:arc.

  • The effect system was refined and there is a new .effectsOf annotation that does explicitly what was previously done implicitly. See the manual for details. To write code that is portable with older Nim versions, use this idiom:

when defined(nimHasEffectsOf):
  {.experimental: "strictEffects".}
  {.pragma: effectsOf.}

proc mysort(s: seq; cmp: proc(a, b: T): int) {.effectsOf: cmp.}

To enable the new effect system, use --experimental:strictEffects.

  • Nim now supports a small subset of Unicode operators as operator symbols. The supported symbols are: "∙ ∘ × ★ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊛ ⊠ ⊡ ∩ ∧ ⊓ ± ⊕ ⊖ ⊞ ⊟ ∪ ∨ ⊔". To enable this feature, use --experimental:unicodeOperators. Note that due to parser limitations you cannot enable this feature via a pragma {.experimental: "unicodeOperators".} reliably.

Compiler changes

  • Added --declaredLocs to show symbol declaration location in messages.

  • You can now enable/disable VM tracing in user code via vmutils.vmTrace.

  • Deprecated TaintedString and --taintmode.

  • Deprecated --nilseqs which is now a noop.

  • Added --spellSuggest to show spelling suggestions on typos.

  • Added --filenames:abs|canonical|legacyRelProj which replaces --listFullPaths:on|off

  • Added --processing:dots|filenames|off which customizes hintProcessing

  • Added --unitsep:on|off to control whether to add ASCII unit separator \31 before a newline for every generated message (potentially multiline), so tooling can tell when messages start and end.

  • Source+Edit links now appear on top of every docgen'd page when nim doc --git.url:url ... is given.

  • Added nim --eval:cmd to evaluate a command directly, see nim --help.

  • VM now supports addr(mystring[ind]) (index + index assignment)

  • Added --hintAsError with similar semantics as --warningAsError.

  • TLS: OSX now uses native TLS (--tlsEmulation:off), TLS now works with importcpp non-POD types, such types must use .cppNonPod and --tlsEmulation:offshould be used.

  • Now array literals(JS backend) uses JS typed arrays when the corresponding js typed array exists, for example [byte(1), 2, 3] generates new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]).

  • docgen: rst files can now use single backticks instead of double backticks and correctly render in both rst2html (as before) as well as common tools rendering rst directly (e.g. github), by adding: default-role:: code directive inside the rst file, which is now handled by rst2html.

  • Added -d:nimStrictMode in CI in several places to ensure code doesn't have certain hints/warnings

  • Added then, catch to asyncjs, for now hidden behind -d:nimExperimentalAsyncjsThen.

  • --newruntime and --refchecks are deprecated.

  • Added unsafeIsolate and extract to std/isolation.

  • --hint:CC now goes to stderr (like all other hints) instead of stdout.

  • --hint:all:on|off is now supported to select or deselect all hints; it differs from --hints:on|off which acts as a (reversible) gate. Likewise with --warning:all:on|off.

  • json build instructions are now generated in $nimcache/outFileBasename.json instead of $nimcache/projectName.json. This allows avoiding recompiling a given project compiled with different options if the output file differs.

  • --usenimcache (implied by nim r main) now generates an output file that includes a hash of some of the compilation options, which allows caching generated binaries: nim r main # recompiles nim r -d:foo main # recompiles nim r main # uses cached binary nim r main arg1 arg2 # ditto (runtime arguments are irrelevant)

  • nim r now supports cross compilation from unix to windows when specifying -d:mingw by using wine, e.g.: nim r --eval:'import os; echo "a" / "b"' prints a\b

  • nim can compile version 1.4.0 as follows: nim c --lib:lib --stylecheck:off -d:nimVersion140 compiler/nim. -d:nimVersion140 is not needed for bootstrapping, only for building 1.4.0 from devel.

  • The style checking of the compiler now supports a --styleCheck:usages switch. This switch enforces that every symbol is written as it was declared, not enforcing the official Nim style guide. To be enabled, this has to be combined either with --styleCheck:error or --styleCheck:hint.

Tool changes

  • Latex doc generation is revised: output .tex files should be compiled by xelatex (not by pdflatex as before). Now default Latex settings provide support for Unicode and do better job for avoiding margin overflows.

  • Implemented doc2tex compiler command which converts documentation in .nim files to Latex.

  • The rst parser now supports markdown table syntax. Known limitations:

    • cell alignment is not supported, i.e. alignment annotations in a delimiter row (:---, :--:, ---:) are ignored,
    • every table row must start with |, e.g. | cell 1 | cell 2 |.
  • fusion is now un-bundled from nim, ./koch fusion will install it via nimble at a fixed hash.

  • testament: added nimoutFull: bool spec to compare full output of compiler instead of a subset.