A Java library for working with event-sourcing.
- api - defines core classes for Events and interfaces for reading/writing
- mysql - an eventstore implementation backed by a MySQL table
- memory - an eventstore implementation run entirely in memory
- ges-http - an eventstore implementation backed by Greg Young's eventstore (see https://geteventstore.com)
- subscription - facilitates reading all the events from an eventstore and then consuming new events as they arrive
- stitching - utilities for merging, stitching, shovelling and otherwise manipulating event streams
- archiving - Chases an Eventstore and archives it to S3.
java.sql.Datasource db = //your db source;
String tableName = "Event";
new BasicMysqlEventStoreSetup(dataSource::getConnection, tableName).lazyCreate();
EventSource eventstore = new BasicMysqlEventSource(dataSource::getConnection, tableName);
StreamId.streamId("pets", "dog-412"),
Arrays.asList(NewEvent.newEvent("AnimalBorn", "{\"dob\":\"2017-03-06\"}".getBytes("UTF-8")))
Stream<ResolvedEvent> eventStream = eventstore.readAll().readAllForwards();
There are several legacy classes which support older versions of this eventstore API. For new projects, avoid using deprecated classes.