You will need Ruby installed, for version see: .ruby_version
in the root.
You will need bundler (gem install bundler
$ cd cookbooks-clone && make install
Run all:
$ make test
We use Appraisal to test against both Chef11.10 and Chef12.7. The Makefile-triggered commands always test against both versions.
To speed up development, below are some examples how to run only a part of the testsuite or only against one chef version:
Run only chef 12.7 specs:
$ bundle exec appraisal chef-12.7 rake spec
Run only specs for one cookbook with chef 11.10:
$ bundle exec appraisal chef-11.10 rake spec[cookbookname]
Run only one spec for a cookbook with both versions:
$ bundle exec appraisal rake spec[cookbookname,specname]
It's a good habit to add tests for code that is introduced.
Available are:
- unit tests through
- ChefSpec
Sometimes tests are not enough and you need to setup a small VM. We have a few Vagrant setups in vagrant-test.
The following is run on Travis-CI:
$ make test && make cs
Please run these before pushing upstream to save resources and time.