This library looks perfect for my fairly simple independent watchOS app's needs, thanks for sharing!
Unfortunately, v0.0.1, as well as the current HEAD revision, don't build under a watchOS deployment target, giving these errors;
Mercato/Sources/Mercato/Mercato.swift:56:59: Cannot find type 'UIWindowScene' in scope
Mercato/Sources/Mercato/Mercato.swift:118:72: Cannot find type 'UIWindowScene' in scope
Mercato/Sources/Mercato/Mercato.swift:125:73: Cannot find type 'UIWindowScene' in scope
Mercato/Sources/Mercato/Mercato.swift:134:55: Cannot find type 'UIWindowScene' in scope
Mercato/Sources/Mercato/Mercato.swift:61:39: Value of type 'Transaction' has no member 'beginRefundRequest'
Mercato/Sources/Mercato/Mercato.swift:136:22: Type 'AppStore' has no member 'showManageSubscriptions'
(paths trimmed for clarity)
I've seen these errors both in my actual project, and in an out of the box Swift-based Xcode watchOS app project template, each with Mercato imported using Xcode's package management UI
My experience isn't deep in writing this sort of cross-platform code, but it seems as though the code specific to iOS isn't guarded sufficiently for the watchOS platform. If you have suggestions I'm all ears!