- Increment
in topmostgradle.properties
and inKonanVersion.kt
- Create entry for new release in CHANGELOG.md file (consult git history for features included)
- Update RELEASE_NOTES.md with actual information on the released bits
git checkout -b v0.X-fixes
git tag -a v0.X -m "version 0.X"
git push --set-upstream origin v0.X-fixes --tags
Repeat those steps for macOS, Linux x86-64 and Windows x64 machines/VMs:
git pull
git checkout -b v0.X-fixes origin/v0.X-fixes
./gradlew clean bundle
Make sure all samples are buildable from the bundle with both Gradle and shell script builds.
Create release at GitHub release page
We usually mark 0.X releases as pre-releases.
Upload builds created on the previous step to the GitHub release page.
Upload build to CDN at upload.cds.intellij.net/builds/releases//<macos|linux|windows>:
CDN_URL=upload.cds.intellij.net CDN_USER=... CDN_PASS=... ./gradlew :uploadBundle
Bundles are available at http://download.jetbrains.com/kotlin/native/releases/// in few minutes after upload.
Upload Gradle plugin to BinTray
BINTRAY_USER=... BINTRAY_KEY=... ./gradlew :uploadGradlePlugin
Notify #kotlin-native channel on public Slack.
Write a meaningfully sized blog post describing new release at https://blog.jetbrains.com. Login at https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/wp-login.php. Synchronize with @abreslav and @yole. Publish and enjoy!