#> Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 3.4.2
#> ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
#> ✔ ggplot2 2.2.1 ✔ purrr 0.2.4
#> ✔ tibble 1.3.4 ✔ dplyr 0.7.4
#> ✔ tidyr 0.7.2 ✔ stringr 1.2.0
#> ✔ readr 1.1.1 ✔ forcats 0.2.0
#> Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 3.4.2
#> Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 3.4.2
#> Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.4.2
#> ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
stata_dt <- read_dta("") %>% select(temperature,
map_chr(stata_dt, typeof)
#> temperature chemical
#> "double" "double"
map_lgl(stata_dt, is.labelled)
#> temperature chemical
write_dta(stata_dt, tempfile(fileext = ".dta"))
#> Error: Stata only supports labelled integers.
#> Problems: `temperature`, `chemical`
I'm not sure why write_dta
is not allowed to save labelled doubles, although up to the previous version it was doing it just fine (at least in my work I've been saving labelled doubles, which were integers but read as doubles by read_dta
). I understand that having labelled integers doesn't make sense but most of time labelled doubles are just integers that were read that way. @kuriwaki suggests that write_dta
is allowed to save labelled doubles as long as they don't contain decimal points. See #326.
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