This is an automated email to let you know about the release of {{{ my_package }}}, which will be submitted to CRAN in the near future (on {{{ date }}}).
To check for potential problems, I ran R CMD check
on your package {{{your_package}}} ({{{your_version}}}).
I found: {{{your_summary}}}.
{{#you_have_problems}} {{{your_results}}}
If I got an ERROR because I couldn't install your package (or one of its dependencies), my apologies. You'll have to run the checks yourself (unfortunately I don't have the time to diagnose installation failures as I have to run checks on hundreds of packages).
Otherwise, please carefully look at the results. If you think I've introduced a bug in dplyr, please file a reprex at https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues. Otherwise, you'll need to prepare an update to your package following the advice in http://dplyr.tidyverse.org/articles/compatibility.html.
To get the development version of {{{ my_package }}} so you can run the checks yourself, you can run:
# install.packages("devtools")
{{/you_have_problems}} {{^you_have_problems}} It looks like everything is ok with your package, so no action is necessary at this time. {{/you_have_problems}}
If you have any questions about this email, please feel free to respond directly.
{{{ me }}}