The Tideland Go Library contains a larger set of useful Google Go packages for different purposes.
ATTENTION: The cells
package has been migrated into an own repository
package is now deprecated. It has been migrated
and extended into the repository
I hope you like them. ;)
Version 4.24.2
Support for unit tests with mutliple different assertion types and functions to generate test data.
Individual caches for types implementing the Cacheable interface.
Different additional collection types like ring buffer, stack, tree, and more.
Detailed error values.
Reading and parsing of SML-formatted configurations including substituion of templates.
Atom and RSS feed client.
Instead of unmarshalling a JSON into a struct parse it and provide access to the content by path and value converters to native types. Also processing and comparing is possible.
Identifier generation, like UUIDs (v1, v3, v4, v5) or composed values.
Logging with different levels to different backends and powerful extensions.
Control of goroutines and their possible errors. Additional option of recovering in case of an error or a panic. Sentinels can monitor multiple loops and restart them all in case of an abnormal end of one of them.
Map/Reduce for data analysis.
Monitoring of execution times, stay-set indicators, and configurable system variables.
Different functions for statistical analysis.
Client for the Redis database.
Context-based shared data access, e.g. for web sessions or in cells.
Continuous filtered reading/writing of data.
Simple Markup Language, looking lispy, only with curly braces.
Parallel Quicksort.
Helpful functions around strings extending the original strings
package and
help processing strings.
Helpful functions around dates and times.
Documentation of semantic versions.
- Frank Mueller ( /
- Alex Browne (
- Tim Heckman (
- Benedikt Lang (
- Pellaeon Lin (
Tideland Go Library is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.