After cloning the project run pip install -e . in the project directory to install the project with all dependencies. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the development-only requirements.
This is more a list of hints & suggestions
should be put into modules under cophi_toolbox.
Each module, class, function, and method should have a docstring. Docstrings should follow the Google Style Guide, they are intended to be handled by the Napoleon Sphinx extension. Function docstrings should describe the arguments and their expected types, and also the return types.
Tests should either be doctests and thus directly included in the respective docstrings, or tests that can be run using the nose test framework, see the nose introduction. It's really worthwhile to write tests, so please do. Write nose tests into the test
directory. Run tests using nosetests or nosetests -v.
Dependencies should be listed in the file.