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Software für eine ESP8266 basierte Wortuhr mit verschiedenen Layouts
betaglop / gdpr-cli
Forked from mirkoschubert/gdpr-cliA command line tool for checking your website for GDPR compliance.
rsrchboy / paperless
Forked from the-paperless-project/paperlessScan, index, and archive all of your paper documents
oleksis / youtube-dl-gui
Forked from MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-guiA cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
linux4sam / linux-at91
Forked from svenkatr/linuxLinux kernel for Microchip SoC (aka AT91)
The Arduino client libraries to communicate with the BERG Cloud Devshield
FD- / RPiPlay
Forked from KqSMea8/AirplayServerAn open-source AirPlay mirroring server for the Raspberry Pi. Supports iOS 9 and up.
DeviceFarmer / stf
Forked from openstf/stfControl and manage Android devices from your browser.
brendan-w / python-OBD
Forked from Pbartek/pyobd-piOBD-II serial module for reading engine data
znsoft / ESP32-Dashcam
Forked from x3mEr/ESP32-DashcamDashcam with Wi-Fi streaming on ESP32-CAM module.
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
An Arduino library to control an alpine car audio head unit via a 3.5mm phono plug.
🔰 Compatible with all TTGO camera products
A Google Chrome browser extension that displays all images on a web page and allows the user to choose which ones to download.…
albertcsm / go-selphy-cp
Forked from gonzaloserrano/go-selphy-cpA program to send pictures to print to a Canon Selphy CP printer via wifi
saeugetier / go-selphy-cp
Forked from albertcsm/go-selphy-cpA program to send pictures to print to a Canon Selphy CP printer via wifi
Popcorn Time for Apple TV 4, iPhone and iPad
Zabbix AlertScript for MS Teams chat
ttn-liv / LoRaWANshield
Forked from jpmeijers/RN2483shieldArduino compatible shield design for RN2483 (or RN2903) LoRaWAN radio
SantoshSrinivas79 / mindmaps
Forked from drichard/mindmapsAn open source, offline capable, mind mapping application leveraging HTML5 technologies
DOCK-PI3 / MasOS-Manager
Forked from RetroPie/RetroPie-ManagerProject to manage MasOS from a web interface
mprasil / bitwarden_rs
Forked from dani-garcia/vaultwardenBitwarden compatible server written in Rust
schwedenmut / AnzeigenChef-Mac
Forked from d-a-n/AnzeigenChef-MacVerwaltung für eBay Kleinanzeigen
invoice-x / factur-x-ng
Forked from akretion/factur-xPython lib for Factur-X, the e-invoicing standard for France and Germany