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Creator: Qubasa
1) Skype automated typing
2) Clear your skype chat
3) Email spammer
4) Generic spammer
99) Quit
A spammer written in Python 2.7 for Whatsapp, Skype, Facebook and Email and pretty much every other chat forum. It has an easy to use terminal GUI.
Windows has no dependencies. The Win32 extensions do not need to be installed.
OS X needs the pyobjc-core and pyobjc python module installed (in that order).
Linux needs the python-Xlib and python-tk module installed. Note: python-tk has to be installed through apt-get not through pip
Open the cmd/terminal and run the requirements.txt:
C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install -r windows-requirements.txt
sudo pip install -r linux-requirements.txt
sudo pip install -r mac-requirements.txt
Download ez_setup.py: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
Run it and add the scripts folder (located in you python installation folder) to your terminal/cmd path
Open terminal/cmd and type: easy_install pip
Use: pip install [yourmodulename]