This is a JavaScript library aimed to provide a program-friendly interface to Tsinghua web portal, and is licensed under MIT License.
yarn add thu-info-lib
See wiki.
from the latest release, and unzip it.
After that, install the unpacked directory demo/
as an unpacked extension in Chrome.
Note: you should have developer-mode enabled in Chrome.
Click on the installed extension thu-info-lib-test
and you will see a blank page.
After that, you can open the console of Chrome Developer Tool and execute anything you want in it. The helper class is attached as window.InfoHelper
Here is a typical example of what you will execute in the browser console.
helper = new InfoHelper.InfoHelper()
helper.login({userId: "", password: ""})
It is recommended that you have Yarn
npm install -g yarn # Skip this step if you have already used yarn before.
After that, install the dependencies that this project requires.
yarn install
Go on to the corresponding section depending on the JS environment you will be using.
Note that due to various reasons, some operations might fail from time to time. Retrying might solve the problem.
Run the following command.
yarn build-dist
You will find a bundled index.js
generated in directory demo/
Follow the steps in section Quick demo and play.
Run the following command.
yarn build
You can find the build output in directory dist/
After that, run command
yarn demo
This will execute script demo.js
at the root directory.
You can modify demo.js
to perform more requests.
You can also run command
yarn play
to start an interactive JS environment (Node REPL).
A typical example of what you will execute will be
import {InfoHelper} from "./dist";
const helper = new InfoHelper();
await helper.login({userId: "", password: ""});
See THUInfo APP for an example.
Run yarn test
for testing. It requires your personal credential since we don't have mocks for these APIs. To do this, you must create a secrets.json
under the root folder, with userId
and password
as keys.
It's ok if you meet Timeout * Async callback was not invoked within the xxx-ms timeout...
error when running tests. Adjusting the third argument timeout of the failing testcase it("xxx", async () => void, timeout)
might solve the problem.
Due to various reasons, some test cases might fail. Re-running them might solve the problem.
Great thanks to Harry-Chen and his thu-learn-lib!