Python and AutoHotkey V2 call each other, ctypes implementation
Download ZIP
Unzip to Python folder\Lib\site-packages\pyahk
Updating latest AutoHotkey.dll file , choose between 32-bit or 64-bit dll depending on the version of python you have installed
If using in ahk, copy py4ahk.ahk
into the lib folder of ahk
Use AutoHotkey V2 in Python
from ctypes import c_wchar_p
from pyahk import *
AhkApi .initialize () # init ahk
AhkApi .addScript ('''
; show tray icon
#HotIf WinActive('ahk_exe notepad.exe')
''' )
# import ahk's global vars, or AhkApi[varname]
from pyahk import Gui , MsgBox , FileAppend , Array , Map , JSON , Hotkey , HotIf , WinActive
def onbutton (ob , inf ):
v = ob .Gui ['Edit1' ].Value
MsgBox (v )
g = Gui ()
g .AddEdit ('w320 h80' , 'hello python' )
g .AddButton (None , 'press' ).OnEvent ('Click' , onbutton )
g .show ('NA' )
arr = Array (8585 , 'ftgy' , 85 , Map (85 ,244 ,'fyg' , 58 ))
FileAppend (JSON .stringify (arr ), '*' )
def onf6 (key ):
MsgBox (key )
@WINFUNCTYPE (None , c_wchar_p )
def onf7 (key ):
MsgBox (key )
# Take effect under this condition
HotIf (lambda key : WinActive (g .hwnd ))
Hotkey ('F6' , onf6 ) # use ComProxy callback
# Use an existing conditional expression in ahk
HotIf ("WinActive('ahk_exe notepad.exe')" )
Hotkey ('F7' , onf7 ) # use CFuncType callback
HotIf ()
# ahk's message pump, block until the AHK interpreter exits
AhkApi .pumpMessages ()
from pyahk import *
AhkApi .initialize () # init ahk
AhkApi .addScript ('''
mul(&v) {
v := v * v
return v
''' )
from pyahk import MouseGetPos , mul
print (MouseGetPos (Var (), Var (), Var (), Var ()))
print (mul (InputVar (32 )), mul (Var (32 )))
# exit AHK interpreter
AhkApi .finalize ()
Use Python in AutoHotkey V2
dllpath := '' ; set the path to your python.dll, the default is 'python39.dll'
py := Python(dllpath)
; import py's lib
; stdout := py.__import__('sys').stdout
py.exec('from sys import stdout')
ahk_arr := [213 ,4 ,'das',423.24 ,'fdg']
; ahk array to py list
; v2h.exe, IObject interface
; py.print(ahk_arr, l := py.list(ahk_arr)) ; <IAhkObject object at 0x...> [213, 4, 'das', 423.24, 'fdg']
; v2l.exe, IDispatch interface
l := py.list()
for it in ahk_arr
py.print(ahk_arr, l) ; <pyahk.comproxy.Dispatch object at 0x...> [213, 4, 'das', 423.24, 'fdg']
; py list to ahk array
arr := [l* ]
l := 0