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Typing SVG

📹 I’m currently working on a blog/note taking web app for students [free] and a PC98 inspired Visual Novel Project
📺 I’m currently a full time Frontend Developer Student at Year Up United
🤝 I’m looking for help with a PC98 inspired Visual Novel and video generated apps like MVGEN
📫 How to reach me

Connect with me:

thounny thounny-the-typescripter thounny thounny thounny thounny

languages and tools:

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React Next Bootstrap MongoDB Express.js NodeJS Git Heroku


thounny's GitHub stats

GitHub Streak

const khmer = {
  pronouns: "they" | "them",
  code: [Javascript, HTML, CSS],
  tools: [React, Next, Node, Express, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Tailwind],
  pog: {
                        cofounder: "Sinn Studios",
                        video: "hi-8",
                        mentor: "neocities"
 challenge: "code and create everyday."

listening to:


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Pinned Loading

  1. WiredAI WiredAI Public

    WiredAI - AI Chat App built with ReactJS, TailwindCSS, and Appwrite


  2. 30-day-code-challenge 30-day-code-challenge Public

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  3. DAY_009 DAY_009 Public

    Markdown Note Taker with 98.css

    JavaScript 1

  4. windows98-theme windows98-theme Public

    A nostalgic VS Code theme inspired by the classic Windows 98 UI


  5. finance-tracker finance-tracker Public

    Finance Tracker With React, Nextjs, Honojs

    TypeScript 5 3

  6. WiredNotes WiredNotes Public

    A CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) note-taking application using vanilla JavaScript.

    JavaScript 1