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Reading guide

Service parameters are described using the following conventions:

  • <type> in brackets describe the type of a parameter, e.g.

    • <string> is a piece of text
    • <number> is a number
    • <TRUE/false> means the value must be either true or false with true being the default
    • <service call> means a full service call specification. Note that this can be any service, not just Browser Mod services
    • <Browser IDs> is a list of BrowserIDs
  • Square brackets [ ] indicate that a parameter is optional and can be omitted.

<service call>

A service call is a combination of a service and it's data:

Ex, a <service call> for browser_mod.more_info with light.bed_light as entity:

service: browser_mod.more_info
  entity: light.bed_light

A note about targets

Browser Mod services can be called in two different ways which behave slightly differently.

The first way is as a server call. This is when the service is called from a script or automation, from the dev-services panel or from a dashboard call-service action.

The second way is as a browser call. This is when the service is called from a dashboard fire-dom-event action, as a part of a browser_mod.sequence call or as a browser_mod.popup _action.

The notable difference between the two is when no target (browser_id) is specified, in which case:

  • A server call will perform the service on ALL REGISTERED BROWSERS.
  • A browser call will perform the service on THE CURRENT BROWSER, i.e. the browser it was called from.

Finally, in browser calls, a parameter browser_id with the value THIS will be replaced with the current Browsers browser ID.


  action: fire-dom-event
    service: script.print_clicking_browser
      browser_id: THIS

with the script:

      - service: system_log.write
          message: "Button was clicked in {{browser_id}}"

Will print `"Button was clicked in 79be65e8-f06c78f" to the Home Assistant log.

Calling services

Services can be called from the backend using the normal service call procedures. Registered Browsers can be selected as targets through their device: A picture exemplifying setting up a browser_mod.more_info service call in the GUI editor

In yaml, the BrowserID can be used for targeting a specific browser:

service: browser_mod.more_info
  entity: light.bed_light
    - 79be65e8-f06c78f

If no target or browser_id is specified, the service will target all registerd Browsers.

To call a service from a dashboard use the call-service action or the special action fire-dom-event:

  action: fire-dom-event
    service: browser_mod.more_info
      entity: light.bed_light

Services called via fire-dom-event or called as a part of a different service call will (by default) only target the current Browser (even if it's not registered).

Browser Mod Services

Note: Since browser_id is common for all services it is not explained further.


Point the browser to the given Home Assistant path.

service: browser_mod.navigate
  path: <string>
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]
path A Home Assistant path.
E.x. /lovelace/, /my-dashboard/bedroom, /browser_mod/, /config/devices/device/20911cc5a63b1caafa2089618545eb8a...


Reload the current page.

service: browser_mod.refresh
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]


Show a more-info dialog.

service: browser_mod.more_info
  entity: <string>
  [large: <true/FALSE>]
  [ignore_popup_card: <true/FALSE>]
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]
entity The entity whose more-info dialog to display.
large If true, the dialog will be displayed wider, as if you had clicked the title of the dialog.
ignore_popup_card If true the more-info dialog will be shown even if there's currently a popup-card which would override it.


Display a popup dialog

service: browser_mod.popup
  [title: <string>]
  content: <string / Dashboard card configuration / ha-form schema>
  [size: <NORMAL/wide/fullscreen>]
  [right_button: <string>]
  [right_button_action: <service call>]
  [left_button: <string>]
  [left_button_action: <service call>]
  [dismissable: <TRUE/false>]
  [dismiss_action: <service call>]
  [autoclose: <true/FALSE>]
  [timeout: <number>]
  [timeout_action: <service call>]
  [style: <string>]
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]
title The title of the popup window.
content HTML, a dashboard card configuration or ha-form schema to display.
size wide will make the popup window wider. fullscreen will make it cover the entire screen.
right_button The text of the right action button.
right_button_action Action to perform when the right action button is pressed.
left_button The text of the left action button.
left_button_action Action to perform when the left action button is pressed.
dismissable If false the dialog cannot be closed by the user without clicking an action button.
dismiss_action An action to perform if the dialog is closed by the user without clicking an action button.
autoclose If true the dialog will close automatically when the mouse, screen or keyboard is touched. This will perform the dismiss_action.
timeout If set will close the dialog after timeout milliseconds.
timeout_action An action to perform if the dialog is closed by timeout.
style CSS styles to apply to the dialog.

Note that any Browser Mod services performed as _actions here will be performed only on the same Browser as initiated the action unless browser_id is given.

If a ha-form schema is used for content the resulting data will be inserted into the data for any _action.

See for more information and usage examples.


Close any currently open popup or more-info dialog.

service: browser_mod.close_popup
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]


Show a short notification.

service: browser_mod.notification
  message: <string>
  [duration: <number>]
  [action_text: <string>]
  [action: <service call>]
message The text to display.
duration Number of milliseconds until the message closes. (Default 3000)
action_text Text of optional action button.
action Action to perform when action button is clicked.


Set the theme.

service: browser_mod.set_theme
  [theme: <string>]
  [dark: <AUTO/dark/light>]
  [primaryColor: <RGB color>]
  [accentColor: <RGB color>]

<RGB color> is either a list of three RGB values 0-255 (ex: [0, 128, 128]) or a six digit hex color value (ex: "#800080").

theme Theme to apply. Use "auto" to set as Backend Specified.
dark Whether to use dark or light mode.
primaryColor Theme primary color.
accentColor Theme accent color.


Perform several services sequentially.

service: browser_mod.sequence
    - <service call>
    - <service call>
    - ...
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]
sequence List of actions to perform.

Note that if browser_id is omitted in the service calls listed in sequence the services will be performed on the Browser that's targeted as a whole rather than all browsers.


Wait for a specified time.

service: browser_mod.delay
  time: <number>
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]
time Number of milliseconds to wait.

This is probably most useful as part of a browser_mod.sequence call.


Print a text to the browsers javascript console.

service: browser_mod.console
  message: <string>
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]
message Text to print.


Run arbitrary javascript code in the browser.

service: browser_mod.javascript
  code: <string>
  [browser_id: <Browser IDs>]
code Code to run.

Only use this one if you know what you're doing.

Some helpful functions that are available:

  • hass - The hass frontend object
  • data - Any data sent to the service (also form data from popups)
  • service(service, data) - Make a Browser Mod service call
  • log(message) - Print message to the Home Assistant log
  • lovelace_reload() - Reload lovelace configuration The hass frontend object is available as global variable hass.