Works on windows, linux and macos
built-in functionality sometimes won't suffice:
zone, _ := time.Now().Zone() // my time zone
fmt.Println(zone) // e.g. "CEST"
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(zone)
if err != nil {
// the program panics here:
panic("fail: could not load location from zone")
// unreachable:
fmt.Println("success: location loaded from zone")
localizing a date with obtained loc
will cause an error because it's not in the IANA format.
panic: time: missing Location in call to Date
While tzlocal gives the correct IANA name
tzname, _ := tzlocal.RuntimeTZ() // assuming error is handled
fmt.Printf("Actual IANA name: %v\n", tzname) // Prints "Actual IANA name: Europe/Paris"
go get
Open your project folder
Create a file main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
tzname, err := tzlocal.RuntimeTZ()
fmt.Println(tzname, err)
// example:
// tzname = "Europe/Berlin"
// now you can use tzname to properly set up a location:
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation(tzname)
d0 := time.Date(2021, 10, 30, 20, 0, 0, 0, loc) // DST active:
// 2021-10-30 20:00:00 +0200 CEST
d1 := d0.AddDate(0, 0, 1) // add one day, now DST is inactive:
// 2021-10-31 20:00:00 +0100 CET
Run the following commands:
go mod init
go mod vendor
go run main.go
It should print the go runtime timezone.
Change directory to go-timezone-local
cd go-timezone-local
go generate ./...
All credit goes to the various contributors, colm.anseo and MrFuppes for providing the following answers: