Remaster of Plugin with new functionalities
- All Adobe Xd Types
- Fix Dialogs (excluding panel after showing it)
- Container Alignments
- Stack Positioneds
- [Fix] Rectangle(w:50,h:5) exactly above Rectangle(w:5,h:50) generating inside and not Stack
- (Unnecessary Children distances) to (MainAlignment.better)
- Improve Interface
- RepeatGrid
- Text
- Image
- Path
- BooleanGroup
- SimbolInstance
- Rectangle
- Artboard
- Line
- Ellipse
Choose a preferred level of double precision.
Generate with SimpleCode (sz)
Export Adaptive Icon Android
Blending mode (is possible?)
Export Global TextStyles
Export Global Colors
Export All Artboards at once
Export Global Components
Artboard with Components
Prototype Interactions
Export Widget Shortcut
Export Color Shortcut
Export IOS Icons
Export Android Icons
Google Fonts
Material Colors
Code indentation
- [ x Panel Ui
- bounds.js
- layout.js
- children.js
- utils Folder
- dialogs Folder
- text.js
- svg.js
- container.js
- panel_ui.js
- export_icon.js
- export_color.js
- exportWidget Function (export_widget.js)
- generateWidgetByType Function