Main goal of this project was to learn about FPGA programming through writing something marginally useful.
A reasonably priced (~35$) Sipeed Tang Primer 25K enthusiast-level board caught my eye. It is built around Gowin GW5A-25 FPGA chip and has plenty of resources for tinkering around with, including 1 megabit of BRAM, ~23K LEs and 6 PLLs.
After writing my first blinky, impressed by RP2040 outputting VGA or even DVI video using PIO, i realized, that now i have something much better than PIO...
The project consists of two parts:
- HDMI output: GW5A-25 can do 1080p DVI (no audio) or 720p HDMI (with audio) with no issues
- USB HID handling: since the board already has a type-A USB port, i decided to offload this job to the FPGA too
- Frame and audio buffers: without a 40-pin SDRAM module, 1 megabit of on-chip BRAM is enough for one 320*240@256 color framebuffer, 24 bit palette and about 1 frame of audio
- Has Quad SPI slave interface with two CS lines: 'GPU' for HDMI and 'IO' for USB HID
- Has a lot of conventional computing power, two cores, high clock, FPU and more
- Has up to 32 megabytes of flash and 8/16 megabytes of PSRAM
- Acts as an SPI master with a simple driver layer handling FPGA polling, vsync, audio buffering etc.
- Driver provides simple interface for frame presentation, synchronized audio and handling HID events
Combining FPGA based GPU-peripheral and an actual CPU together results in a something resembling a DOS-era PC:
- The only video mode is 320*240@256 color palette, integer scaled and pillarboxed to 720p@60 HDMI
- 16 bit 48 KHz stereo sound through HDMI
- Quad SPI communication between MCU and FPGA at 80 MHz, giving plenty of bandwidth for 320*240@60hz
- USB HID: uses small RISC-V softcore with 16 kilobytes of memory to handle USB1.1 mice, keyboards, combined mouse-keyboard devices and hubs
Just check the fpga_driver_low code. ESP32-S3 hardware SPI master peripheral is used, i just had to tweak dummy cycle count and latency compensation a bit.
Disregard my homebrew HDMI PMOD, at some point i was thinking of decoding HDMI ARC - for just HDMI output Sipeed DVI(HDMI) PMOD is fine.
ESP32-S3 PMOD just wires out 7 ESP32-S3 GPIOs: 4 bidirectional Quad SPI data lines, SCK and two CS lines.
Any 7 pins can be used for this using SPI over GPIO matrix. Works fine, although wire length can be a problem at 80 MHz if regular devkit and dupont jumpers to FPGA are used, in this case 40 or even 20 MHz should still be okay. I used bare ESP32-S3-WROOM module on a perfboard.
Everything is inside a single Gowin EDA project, synthesize and program according to Sipeed instructions. Plain Gowin EDA installation works fine for me.
Besides SystemVerilog and Verilog code, it contains RISC-V code for USB handling, located at .../usb_host/ucmem. Build output mem.hex that is embedded into the FPGA bitstream is included, so unless you modify the source no additional steps required.
There is a common component folder esp-idf-components containing fpga_driver, which is the main FPGA interface wrapper. The driver runs pinned to core 0 as a high priority task, so core 1 can be used solely for the 'user' app.
If writing a new app, just add the component folder to esp-idf search path in top-level CMakeLists.txt:
Then if explicit esp-idf component is required it can be referenced this way:
idf_component_register(SRCS "abc.c"
REQUIRES fpga_driver)
Also there is one specific test app included to prove that this indeed is a computer. Obviously it is...
This is a pretty straightforward port of Chocolate Doom 3.1.0, with SDL dependencies replaced with fpga_driver and RTOS stuff.
Shareware DOOM1.WAD fits into ESP32-S3 N8R2 module (8MB flash 2MB PSRAM), while DOOM2.WAD is >14MB itself, so i had to buy N32R8V to test it.
kilograham has proven that optimized Doom 2 can run on a 264KB RAM RP2040, but my port is mostly just vanilla Chocolate Doom:
- Only 'Doom' Chocolate Doom part is built
- Has a small FATFS partition for saves and configs
- Supports USB mouse and keyboard
- Stable 35 (i believe) fps
- Shareware Doom 1 runs on a common N8R2 module
- Uses vanilla WAD files, although stored and accessed as a raw data partition through mmap utilizing uncached lump access: with lump caching even on 8 megs of PSRAM Doom 2 is unable to load past the splashcreen!
- Z_Zone memory disabled in favor of Z_Native
- Chocolate Doom's OPL emulator is replaced with DOSBox's Woody OPL, however i still had to run it at half the samplerate (24KHz)
- SFX with 'integer resampling'
- Network not implemented, but given ESP32-S3 already has Wi-Fi and lwip stack, this should not be a problem
Well, even IKEA light bulb these days can run Doom, and ESP32-S3 is obviously a much more capable CPU.
And with its floating point performance, i'd say it's at least a... Quake-class CPU.
- Vanilla WinQuake at 320*240!
- Sound has been rewritten from scratch to run on the second core
- pak0.pak is read through raw mmap
- Config files and savegamess work as intended
- Requires 8 megs of RAM and at least 20 megabytes of flash for shareware pak0.pak, so N32R8V is the only supported module
- Quake is VERY stack heavy - vanilla rendering takes up to 300kb of stack, so i had to move stack to PSRAM
- Running Quake from non-cache-disable-friendly task required creating a separate proxy task for FS operations
- Haven't played Quake on a 486, but i bet ESP32-S3 runs it better!
- HDMI video and audio encoder: hdmi by Sameer Puri, dual-licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0
- USB HID mouse and keyboard handling: based on usb_host by emard, includes BSD licensed code
- Chocolate Doom by, licensed under GPLv2
- "Woody" OPL3 emulator by DOSBox team, DOSBox is licensed under GPLv2
- Doom optimizations: rp2040-doom by Graham Sanderson, licensed under GPLv2
- WinQuake by id Software, licensed under GPLv2
All code being a part or derived from existing project (e.g. chocolate doom code) retains its original licence, everything else is licensed under MIT