Assign lessons to timeslots and rooms to produce a better schedule for teachers and students.
Git clone the timefold-quickstarts repo and navigate to this directory:
$ git clone ... $ cd timefold-quickstarts/technology/java-spring-boot
Start the application with Maven:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
or with Gradle:
$ gradle bootRun
Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
Click on the Solve button.
When you’re ready to deploy the application, package the project to run as a conventional jar file.
Build it with Maven:
$ mvn package
or with Gradle:
$ gradle clean build
Run the Maven output:
$ java -jar target/timefold-solver-spring-boot-school-timetabling-quickstart-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
or the Gradle output:
$ java -jar build/libs/timefold-solver-spring-boot-school-timetabling-quickstart-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
NoteTo run it on port 8081 instead, add
. -
Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
Click on the Solve button.