Fast multi-level key/value cache for OpenResty.
- Can cache scalar Lua types and tables.
- Provides automatic caching level fallbacks: LRU > shm > callback.
- Can invalidate cached entities accross workers via a custom IPC (inter-process communication) module.
The cache level hierarchy is:
- LRU: Least Recently Used Lua-land cache using lua-resty-lrucache for fast lookup, without exhausting the workers Lua VM memory.
- shm:
object to avoid running callback if another worker already did. - callback: a custom function that will only be run by a single worker to avoid the dogpile effect (via lua-resty-lock).
- Custom shm serializers for Lua tables when faster performance than lua-cjson is desired.
# nginx.conf
http {
# you do not need to configure the following line when you
# use LuaRocks or opm.
lua_package_path "/path/to/lua-resty-mlcache/lib/?.lua;;";
lua_shared_dict cache 1m;
init_by_lua_block {
local resty_mlcache = require "resty.mlcache"
local mlcache, err ="cache", {
lru_size = 500, -- size of the Lua land LRU cache
ttl = 3600, -- 1h ttl for hits
neg_ttl = 30, -- 30s ttl for misses
if err then
-- ...
-- we put our instance in the global table for brivety in
-- this example, prefer an upvalue to one of your modules
-- as recommended by ngx_lua
_G.mlcache = mlcache
server {
listen 8080;
location / {
content_by_lua_block {
local function callback(username)
-- this only runs *once* until the key expires, so
-- do expansive operations like connecting to a remote
-- backend here. i.e: call a MySQL server in this callback
local user, err = db:get_user(username)
return user, err
-- this call triggers the callback
local user, err = mlcache:get("my_key", nil, callback, "John Doe")
if err then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error in callback: ", err)
ngx.say(user.username) -- "John Doe"
-- this call *does not* trigger the callback, "my_key"
-- is already cached and contains our user
local user, err = mlcache:get("my_key", nil, callback, "John Doe")
if err then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error in callback: ", err)
ngx.say(user.username) -- "John Doe"
Work licensed under the MIT License.