This is a Pharo command line tool to help migrating existing monticello repositories to git using filetree.
This script does the following:
- exports all Monticello versions of a given repository in chronological order,
- allows you to map the Monticello user names to proper git authors.
Pharo has introduced a new format called tonel. To use tonel you can use the filetree exporter to first export your project into filetree format and then use Iceberg (the Pharo Git tool) to convert your repository to tonel.
pharo exporter.image metacello install "github://theseion/filetree-exporter" BaselineOfFileTreeExporter
pharo exporter.image filetree-exporter --help
pharo exporter.image filetree-exporter users --from="$MC_REPO_URL" > users.txt
Now you can edit the user mapping in users.txt
, line by line with the following format:
After that you can start exporting the monticello repository
pharo exporter.image filetree-exporter export \
--from="$MC_REPO_URL" \
Now you have a complete copy of the contents of $MC_REPO_URL
in the local git repository under ~/my-git-repos/the-project
Execute the following bash commands to push the expoter Monticello versions to an empty github repository:
cd ~/my-git-repos/the-project
git remote add origin$GITHUB_USER/$GITHUB_REPO.git
git push --set-upstream origin master
If you created the github repository already with a
file, rebase your exported version on top.
Instead of the direct git push
command execute the following statements:
cd ~/my-git-repos/the-project
git remote add origin$GITHUB_USER/$GITHUB_REPO.git
git fetch --all
# replay the versions of the exported repository on top of the existing remote versions
git rebase origin/master
git push --set-upstream origin master