A generic robotics controller for the EK-LM4F120XL Stellaris Launchpad. Authored by the IEEE - Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Create a free GitHub account on github.com
- Follow GitHub's great instructions for installing Git on your computer.
- Once logged into GitHub, go to ut-ras's Rasware2013.
- Fork the project's code through the button on the top right. This will copy the project to your own account.
- Open Git. Depending on what version is installed, the commands will be slightly different.
- Clone the project to create a copy on your computer. In GitHub for Windows, simply click on
next to the Rasware2013 project. - Right click on Rasware2013 then click on
open in explorer
to open the folder containing the project.
- Go to http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty.download.html.
- Under "for Windows on Intel x86" click on putty.exe to save putty to your computer.
- Download the installer from here: http://www.keil.com/fid/w00kzbwyie9j1wbbrv11bm0or1xbb2p1gd2wd1/files/eval/mdk470a.exe
- When it's done, run the executable to install Keil uVision.
- Go to http://www.ti.com/tool/stellaris_icdi_drivers.
- Click
to download the drivers to your computer. - Unzip to downloaded file.
- Plug in a Stellaris Launchpad to your computer with a usb cord.
- Windows should fail at installing divers.
- Go to the Device Manager on your computer.
- For each listing with a yellow warning, right-click and select
Update Driver
. - Click
Browse my Computer
and navigate to the unzipped drivers. - Once all of the drivers are installed, not the COM port number that appears in the Device manager. It should read
Stellaris Virtual Serial Port (COM__)
TODO: add the sections for running rasdemo and creating team project. TODO: add additional information section from Rasware2012
TODO: Basically get Jimmy to write this