Day 1
class design: Contact, Address ContactRepository (init, findAll, find, create, update, delete), AddressRepository (...) Setup (servlet context listener)
servlets / jsps: view all contact names, add a contact contact: edit name, address, delete contact
JDBC / JNDI / DataSource initialize tables in repositories, use raw sql
Day 2
finish servlets
intro hibernate/jpa META-INF/persistence.xml, persistence-unit-ref in web.xml javax.persistence.{ Persistence, EntityManager } @Entity, @Column, @OneToOne Rewrite ContactRepository and AddressRepository (findAll, find, create, update, delete) and refactor
Day 3
intro spring container-managed objects, dependency injection Spring MVC: controllers, @RequestMapping Spring JPA: JpaRepository, bytecode generation
refactor controller methods model, view, injecting request parameters, redirects
new class design: Contact, Person, Company, Office, Address how to represent polymorphism in jpa? @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, @ManyToMany
controllers: person: edit name, address, delete person company: edit name, view all offices, add an office, delete company
Day 4
office front-end introduce UrlEntity helper
horrible bugs! why doesn't delete work? ... orphan removal lazy loaded associations, open session in view filter
discussion: Spring high level
discussion: Transactions and AOP
discussion: Entity versioning, optimistic locking
data constraints nullable, length Validation (ex: @NotBlank, all employees of a manager must work for the same company)
Day 5
- REST services more Spring MVC annotations Jackson
Code maintenance/evolution issues:
- entity and sql can get out of sync as code evolves => objects must determine DB schema!
- one must know sql => should be able to just get objects from somewhere / persist objects
- no explicit relationship between entities (one-to-one???) => system must know relationships and constraints
Flexibility/reuse issues:
- code is tied to a specific SQL implementation (dialect)
General ugliness/boilerplate:
- very repetitive code, lots of try-finally => forget JDBC
- checked SQLExceptions everywhere => forget JDBC
- marshalling and unmarshalling is very clumsy
Performance/correctness issues:
- no joins
- no transactions
- no good way to "create table if not exists"
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5