Make sure you have vim version > 8.0 and tmux version > 2.0. For some linux systems, you might have to compile tmux from source. Also note that the install
is designed for mac os using homebrew. Change it to relevant commands (apt-get/yum/etc) for other operating systems.
List of files: # install zsh, oh-my-zsh, tmux, vim-plug. # create symbolic links for rc files
.vimrc # settings for vim
.zshrc # settings for zsh (and oh-my-zsh) # Add custom user prompt to robbyrussell theme in oh-my-zsh. # oh-my-zsh is sometimes very slow for large git repositories,
# just run `sh ~/` from any repositories to disable automatic query of git commits.
NOTE: Please manually check aliases in my .zshrc
if you want to use the same one.
Steps to install:
- Clone the repository
- For a linux system, go to the
and install stuff as relevant to your system. For mac with homebrew, you can just dosh
. - Create symlinks: run
. - Open any file with vim and run
to install vim plugins. - Open a new tmux session and use
Ctrl-a Shift+U
to install/update tmux plugins. - You should be all set.
Terminal emulator: I use kitty which boasts of being super lightweight and fast.
tmux: I honestly don't like tmux because of it's clunky key bindings, but it is very useful for me especially when I want to work on multiple remote machines from my laptop. I've tried to not overload it with a whole lot of stuff, below are the basic commands and the key bindings that I use:
tmux new -s <name> # new session
tmux a -t <name> # attach session
<C-a> d # detach session
tmux ls # list all sessions
tmux kill-session -t <name> # kill session (I just use C-d)
C-a \ # vertical split
C-a - # horizontal split
M-arrow keys # to move around, M = alt
C-a :resize-pane -D(U/L/R) 10 # resize pane down/up/left/right by 10 lines
tmux kill-server # kill all sessions
vim: I use vim 8.0 and this is where I like to have most of my customizations. I am using vim-plug as my plugin manager. Most of the stuff is described in my .vimrc. I use the following key bindings:
nnoremap ; : # don't need to press shift in normal mode
C-h,j,k,l # navigation b/w splits: not really needed unless you have nerdtree
,nn # toggle nerdtree window
and the following plugins:
Lightline: adds a beautiful statusline in the editor.
nerdcommenter: Enhanced commenting on your code. I honestly can't live without this.
vim-fugitive: An awesome git wrapper. I only use this because I like to see the branch name on my statusline. I do other git stuff outside vim.
wombat256.vim: code colorscheme
auto-pairs: open/close braces/quotes in pairs.
nerdtree: for sidebar.
julia-vim: I need this for julia syntax highlighting and latex-unicode conversion.