- ImGui is an open source library that make fancy User Interfaces running on DirectX or OpenGL, you can check it here
- The hardest part I thought when I started writing this is: How am I gonna make it FAST? Because AutoIt is... you know, slow.
- When i finally put the code to work, suprisingly, i got it runs at max fps, you can create thousands of items and it's still fine.
- So I decided to convert the whole ImGui library to AutoIt, function by function.
- This library requires you to have DirectX installed.
- Has more than +270 functions converted from ImGui (compiled dll).
- Has 90% of the capability of what you can do in C++.
- Usable ImGuiIO and ImGuiStyle as a struct.
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include "ImGui.au3"
; Create a window
Local $hwnd = _ImGui_GUICreate("AutoIt ImGui", 1024, 768)
; Set style color
;~ _ImGui_StyleColorsDark()
Local $f_value = 5
While 1
; when the user click close button on the window, this will return false
if Not _ImGui_PeekMsg() Then Exit
; must call
_ImGui_Begin("Another window")
_ImGui_Text("Hello there..")
If _ImGui_Button("click me") Then $f_value = 5
_ImGui_SliderFloat("slider", $f_value, 2, 20)
If _ImGui_IsItemHovered() Then _ImGui_ToolTip("what r u doing?")
; must call
This project is under development, it still has a lot of features being developed, it's a very big help of your donation to keep the project running, please contact me anytime you feel like it!
Discord: thedemons#8671