Here is fully working Demo:
You have to register first in order to generate access token and make API requests.
Download postman_collection.json file, import it in your postman and test locally.
php-mbstring php-dom php-intl php-curl php-mysql php-gd
Before you start the installation process you need to have installed composer
- Clone the project
- Navigate to the project root directory using command line
- Run
composer install
- Copy
file - Adjust
If you want to use Mysql, make sure you have mysql server up and running.
If you want to use sqlite:- you can just delete all
parameters exceptDB_CONNECTION
and set its value tosqlite
- Then create file
- you can just delete all
- Run
php artisan key:generate --ansi
- Run
php artisan migrate
Run php artisan serve
which will start the server at http://localhost:8000
- Create a virtual host file
- Enable it
- Reload apache
Virtual host template.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /project-installation-path/public
<Directory "/project-installation-path/public`">
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog /path-to-logs-folder/error.log
CustomLog /path-to-logs-folder/access.log combined
If you installed the project using apache and have any issues regarding permissions when installing on production, do the following.
- Add the project owner user in
groupsudo usermod -a -G www-data project-owner-user
- Change the owner of several folders into
userchown www-data:www-data storage/ -R chown www-data:www-data public/images
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