Gerhard Lazu: Hey, welcome to the show. We have Alex today with us, Alex Koutmos. Some of you may know him from Beam Radio, for those that are listening. Elixir - you have Elixir Tips going; tip #100 landed not long ago, right?
Alex Koutmos: I do indeed, yeah. And then I'm taking a small hiatus from Twitter tips regarding Elixir; but I will be back into it shortly, don't worry everyone.
Gerhard Lazu: Yeah. So Alex has been around the Erlang/Elixir community for some years now; I don't know how many...
Alex Koutmos: I think it's gotta be like six years now. I read Saša Juric's book "Elixir in Action" back in 2015, and I was hooked on the Beam since then. Yeah, I guess since 2015 I've been working on the Beam.
Gerhard Lazu: That sounds awesome. So the way I know you, Alex, is from the work that you've been doing on the Changelog app, which happens to be an Elixir/Phoenix/Erlang behind the scenes app. You've been doing some fantastic optimizations, especially with those N+1 queries. Thank goodness for that, because the website will be much slower without...
Alex Koutmos: Oh, yeah.
Gerhard Lazu: Yeah. And those things didn't happen in a void, right? So you had this amazing library, which you just happen to have; I don't know how many libraries you have, but I'm sure you have a few... But this is prom_ex, or Prom E-X, as I like to pronounce it, because of that underscore... PromEx - can you tell us a bit more about that, what that is, the library?
Alex Koutmos: [04:14] Sure thing. I guess the elevator pitch for PromEx is that you drop in this one library, you add it to your application supervision tree, and then you do some slight configuration, kind of like in an Ecto repo, where you slightly configure your repo, you slightly configure your PromEx module, and then you say "Hey, I want a metrics plugin for Phoenix, a metrics plugin for Ecto", I also have one for Oban, and LiveView... So you kind of pull in whatever plugins you want that are applicable to your project... And then that's literally it. That's all you have to do. And then you have Prometheus metrics for all the plugins that you configured, and then for every plugin that I write that captures Prometheus metrics there's also a corresponding Grafana dashboard that PromEx will also upload to Grafana for you if you choose to have PromEx do that. That's kind of like an end-to-end solution for monitoring. You can set PromEx up and get dashboards and metrics in five minutes.
Gerhard Lazu: I really like that part, especially the Grafana dashboards. Sometimes it's just so difficult to integrate it just right, get the correct labels, get the correct things... What happens when there's an update? Then you'd have to update the Grafana dashboard. And the one really interesting thing that PromEx - I'm pronouncing it the way you're pronouncing it, Alex; it's your library, so you're the boss here... So PromEx - I like how it manages all aspects of metrics, all the way from the Erlang VM, all the metrics, not just Erlang metrics, but as you mentioned, all those libraries, all those components of an Elixir/Phoenix app... And end-to-end, including when you have new deploys.
Alex Koutmos: Exactly.
Gerhard Lazu: I felt those annotations were so sweet, because it basically owns the entire chain. It will annotate your Grafana dashboards when there are deploys. I felt that was amazing. Like, never mind managing them, which is super-cool, you also got annotations as to who deployed, and which commit was deployed. That was so cool.
Alex Koutmos: Oh, yeah. These have been pain points for me personally probably since like 2017, because I've been using Prometheus and Grafana for some time now... And I feel like every project I was doing the same boilerplate every single time, with the annotations and stuff like that. But even after I set up that boilerplate, I'd still have problems where it's like "Oh, look, a library maintainer updated their Prometheus package" and you've got some slightly different metrics. Now I have to manually know about that and then go pull down their JSON definition for the Grafana dashboard, and then I have to go onto Grafana, copy and paste it... Lo and behold, there's some slight label discrepancies... This churn all the time - there had to have been a better way.
I've been playing around with these ideas for probably a couple years now. PromEx is kind of that materialization of all those ideas. It's slightly opinionated; I feel like a good tool should have some opinions... If those opinions align with the library consumers, that's great. Else, maybe look elsewhere and see if some other solutions fit your problems better.
Gerhard Lazu: That's right. I remember your early days - I would say maybe the beginning of PromEx, when we were trying to figure out what dashboards are missing, and can we improve them slightly... So I remember us working together, a little bit - it wasn't a massive amounts; just enough to make them nice. The integration was really nice. I remember when you added support for custom dashboards, which we do make use of, by the way... So we have some custom dashboards as well, that PromEx can upload for you. That was a great feature... So now we store our Grafana Cloud dashboards with the app, and PromEx updates them. So we have nice version control going around.
[07:49] And you heard that right, we do use Grafana Cloud. We used to run our own Grafana, but then it was much easier to set up Grafana Agent, scrape all the metrics, scrape all the logs from our apps, from all the pods, from everything; we have even the Node Exporter integration in the Grafana Cloud Agent. We ship all those things to Grafana Cloud, PromEx handles most of the dashboards for us, which is really cool, and we have that nice integration going from our infrastructure, which is running Kubernetes (implementation detail, I suppose). We have a really nice setup, all version-controlled, and PromEx handles a lot of the automation between the Grafana Cloud and our app... Or should I say the other way around - between our app and the Grafana Cloud.
So just to backtrack a little bit, all this was possible -- I think the beginning was the application. So, it's publicly available, freely available source code; it's a Phoenix application. That was an excellent idea, Jerod. I don't wanna say it's one of the best ones you've had, but it was a genius idea to do that. It was so good. And what that meant is that we were exposed to this whole ecosystem which is Erlang, Elixir, Phoenix, and there's so many good things happening in it.
So the app, Changelog, is running Phoenix 1.5 right now, Elixir 1.11, but 1.12 came out, so I'm really excited to try that out... And Erlang 23. But as we all know, Erlang 24 got shipped not long ago, and that is an amazing release. What gets you excited about Erlang 24, Alex?
Alex Koutmos: I think the biggest thing is probably the most obvious one, which is the just-in-time compiler that landed in OTP 24. That has some big promises in store for everyone running Elixir and Phoenix applications. I think a few months ago I was actually playing around with the OTP 24 release and I had a dummy Phoenix app... And I just hit it with an HTTP stress tester. It was a very simple app; I don't even think it had a database backend to it. It was literally just pass some JSON, get a response back. And there were measurable differences between the OTP 24 - I think it was release candidate 1 I was running at the time - and OTP 23. I was pretty impressed that it was just a very simple Hello World style REST endpoint; you still saw some pretty big performance gains.
So I'm really curious to see people taking measurements in production with actual live traffic, and see what the performance characteristics look like for applications with the changeover.
Gerhard Lazu: Yeah. I mean, Changelog can definitely benefit from that. It would be great to measure by how much; I think that's one of the plans, to try -- now that OTP 24 is properly out, we had the first patch release land, and we also had just today, a few hours ago, thanks to Twitter and thanks to Alex, ARM support. ARM64 support for OTP 24 with the just-in-time compiler.
So for those that have tried it or would like to try it, and are wondering why, the performance increases between 30% and 50%. So it can be up to 50% faster whatever you're running, just simply by upgrading to 24. And yeah, depending on how it was compiled, how your code was compiled, it could be even higher. So it depends based on which optimizations you're picking up from OTP 24.
Okay, so how would someone using PromEx - how would someone figure out what is faster? So you have your app, your Phoenix app or your Elixir app... I'm imagining that PromEx works with Elixir as well; I don't have to have Phoenix. Is that right?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah. And the idea was to decouple the two. Because you might wanna grab Prometheus metrics on your application, but maybe it's like a key worker. There's not gonna be a Phoenix component there. But as we all know, Prometheus needs to scrape something over HTTP, unless you're using remote write. We'll get into that a little bit later.
So PromEx actually does ship with a very lightweight HTTP server, and it'll just serve your metrics for you. So you could very easily run PromEx inside of like a key worker, expose that one endpoint and have your Prometheus instance come and scrape it at its regular interval.
Gerhard Lazu: Yeah, that's right. And you expose metrics. Just metrics.
Alex Koutmos: [12:10] Yeah, for now it's metrics. Earlier you mentioned Grafana Agent, and the idea is to eventually ship that as part of PromEx. It will be like an optional download. So as PromEx is starting, if you configure it to push Prometheus metrics, you can have PromEx download the agent, get it up and running in a supervision tree... Then you don't even need to have PromEx serve up an HTTP server. You can push metrics directly.
I've actually used Grafana's cloud offering. It's quite nice, and it makes the observability story super nice, especially if you're running in Heroku, or Gigalixir, places where maybe you don't own the infrastructure end-to-end, and it's tough to have a Prometheus instance scraping your stuff over the public internet. So remote write, Grafana Agent - all super-exciting things, and hopefully coming soon to PromEx.
Gerhard Lazu: That's really interesting. So this is such an amazing piece of information, which I don't know how I've missed, but I'm glad that you've mentioned this... Because we were thinking a couple of weeks back "How can we run the Changelog app on Render and have all the metrics and all the logs ship to Grafana Cloud, without having to set up something else that scrapes the metrics, and tails the logs, and then forwards them?
So this is super-exciting, because you have metrics already. I am feature requesting logs, please, so that we can ship the logs as well using the Grafana Cloud agent, which I know it supports them. And then the only thing remaining would be traces, which by the way, it also supports.
So we have metrics, logs and events. That is a very special trio. Can you tell us a bit more about that, Alex? What are your thoughts on that special trio?
Gerhard Lazu: We could start with the abstract and then we can work down into the technical nitty-gritty. So those three that you mentioned just happen to be the pillars of observability. All three of those are the pillars of observability. It's theorized that if you have all three of these pillars in your app, you've achieved the coveted observability, and all your SREs and your DevOps people in your organization will come and shake your hand, and all will be well in the world.
But jokes aside, the idea is that these three different types of observability tools yield different benefits for your application. So with logs, if you're capturing logs in your applications or your services, you can see in very nitty-gritty detail what's happening on every single request, what's happening if there are errors, if there are warnings, if you're having trouble connecting to other services... You get very fine-grained detail as to what's going on. This is super-awesome, and it's very helpful to have this very in-depth information.
The problem is that you can kind of be inundated by too much information, and it's very difficult to extrapolate higher meaning out of all this nitty-gritty detail. Then, if you've ever run like an ELK Stack and had to administer that, you know the pains of trying to index all this data.
Then you might say "Okay, let's only log what's important", and I'm sure people with production apps have had their DevOps people come to them and say "Hey, let's dial back the logging. It's a little too much, and Elasticsearch is just keeling over."
Then you reach for other tools, like metrics. Metrics eventually find their way into some sort of a time series database, and they're usually pretty efficient in comparison to logs, because they're more bounded. You have a measurement, you have a timestamp, and you have some labels associated with it. A little asterisk there, because that kind of depends on what your time series database of choice is. But that's kind of roughly speaking what goes into capturing time series data.
[15:57] So given that you've paired down what information you're capturing, you could start a lot more efficiently, and it's a lot easier to query, and you can keep these for way longer periods of time. But the problem is there that you've now traded off high-fidelity logs for explicit metrics that you're capturing over time. Again, a trade-off, and there are different tools for the job, and you kind of reach for what's best at that particular point in time.
And then traces is kind of like a merger of the two, logs and metrics, where you can see how long your application is sitting in different parts of the application; if you're making external service calls, how long are you waiting for those external service calls... If you have something like Istio setup and you can track requests across services, you can see how long it takes to balance across service A, B, C and D, and how long it takes to unroll and go all the way back to the original caller... And then again, you get some metadata associated with those traces, and timestamps, and stuff like that.
Again, all three of these are different tools, they have some overlap, but it's really a matter of picking the best tool for the job. It'd be nice if you have all three of those in your company or application, but in the real world it is tough to get all three of these stood up and running efficiently, and running effectively.
Gerhard Lazu: I really like the way you think about this, I have to say... There is something pragmatic about, and something like - you can have this within five minutes... But I also am very wary, because I've been following Charity Majors' Honeycomb and those perspectives for many years, and my understanding is that the only thing you should care about is events. And if you have a data store that understands arbitrarily-wide events, something that can query them just in time, at scale, then you don't have to trade off the cardinality constraints that metrics have, versus the volume of logs that is just too much, and the indexing, and how basically that happens behind the scenes. So the implementation that limits you to how you use those logs.
So I think that perspective is very interesting, and I will definitely follow up on that some more in the context of this show, of Ship It. But I'm also aware of where we are today - and when I say "we", I mean the Changelog app - what we have already set up, and that ideal, which is that everything is an event. I think whether we want to or not, I can see how we are going on the journey, maybe some are more frustrated, others are more enlightened, but I can see how events potentially have the answer to all these things. But right now, the reality is that we still have to make this choice between metrics or logs. Traces as well. They're like separate components. And I think that Grafana Cloud is doing a pretty good job with Cortex, which is a Prometheus that scales, basically, Loki, which is for indexing logs, and it's great to derive insights out of that, and Tempo, which I haven't used yet, which is for traces. But these are the three components in the Grafana Cloud that serve these three different functions.
I think it's very interesting to get to that tool which unifies them all, and Grafana Cloud could be it, but there are others as well. Now, I'm not going to go through all the names, because that's boring, but what is interesting is that we seem to be going in the same direction. And we may argue between ourselves whether the pillars of observability are a thing, or are just a big joke - different perspectives - but I think ultimately what really matters is being able to understand what is happening in your application, or what is happening with your website, or your service, or whatever. Unknown unknowns. I'm not going to open that can of worms... But the point being is "Do you understand what is happening?" It may be imperfect, it may be limited, but do you have at least an idea of where to look, where the problems are?
[19:59] And I do know that PromEx helped us or helped you with the N+1 queries. It was very obvious "Hey, we have a problem in Ecto, and this is what that problem looks like, and this is how we fix it. And yes, we fixed it. Does Erlang 24 improve things to Erlang 23, and in what way?" And we can answer those questions as well.
So I think that monitoring is not going anywhere, and I think everybody respects it for what it is... But we also are aware that there are better ways, and we should improve this. So with that in mind, where do you see PromEx going? What are the hopes and the goals for the project?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, sure thing. So I'm gonna first address a couple points that you've made, and then I'll answer the question.
Gerhard Lazu: Sure.
Alex Koutmos: And this is just my own personal opinion. I don't see everything rolling up into one solution. I just don't think it's feasible at the moment. Like, would it be nice if everything was an event, and we could easily search it, and everything is hunky-dory? I think everyone would agree that yes, that would be great. And I think we've tried this in the past - stuff everything in ELK, write some nice regex expressions, and extrapolate metrics from those regex expressions from your Elasticsearch database. From organizations that have gone down that route, it's extremely painful.
I think for now, for the foreseeable future, having those explicit tools for explicit purposes I think makes sense, just because they're very different problems that are trying to be solved, and trying to have one unifying tool that does all the things I don't think will pan out well.
But I do like the approach that Grafana is taking, and the observability community in general, where they're trying to provide bridges from one pillar to another. A perfect example is exemplars in Prometheus, where your Prometheus metrics can have an exemplar tag on them, and it'll effectively say "Hey, this metric data point is applicable to this trace." And you can kind of jump and say "Okay, something weird is happening here in the metrics. I'm getting a ton of 500's. Let me look at an exemplar for that 500." You can click through and you can kind of shift your focus from metrics and go to traces, but still have that context of that problem that I was having 500s.
So I like that approach better, where you can bounce between the different pillars of observability, but still have the context of "I'm trying to solve this problem. What is going on at this moment in time?" I like that approach. Again, that's just my personal opinion.
And to that end - and I'll go back to your original question now - I would like to get PromEx to a point where it does take into account things like traces, and you could use exemplars... And if Grafana Agent's incorporated into PromEx, you could very easily use Syslog and export logs from your application via Syslog to Grafana Agent, and then those find their way to Loki... So I don't wanna tailor PromEx solely to Grafana, but I do see that Grafana is offering a lot of tooling that is very powerful, and I would love to leverage it. Hopefully that answers the question there.
Gerhard Lazu: I think that's a very interesting perspective. I love that.
Break: [23:11]
Gerhard Lazu: That was a really interesting point that you've made, Alex, just before the break, and I would like to dig into it a little bit more. I would like to hear more about PromEx, the hopes and goals, because I think there's more to unpack there... But I find it very interesting how the exemplars that you have in metrics, how they link to traces. You've mentioned something very interesting about logs, and how a lot of information can be derived from them if the logs are in the right format.
In our Changelog app, just to give that example, we have a lot of logs - actually, most logs are still in the standard, unstructured format. So you have long lines of text, and that's okay, but that's where the regex are needed, to extract meaning from those lines.
So the thing which i've found to work a lot better, for example Ingress NGINX, which we also run, is to use JSON logging. So we put all the different information, which you can think of them as metrics, in that one very wide event which is the log line.
For example, status 200, how many bytes, how long it took, which was the refer, stuff like that. And that information, when it ends up in Loki, writing LogQL queries, which are very similar to PromQL queries, makes it easy to derive graphs, which we would typically get from metrics, from your logs.
So then the boundaries between metrics and logs are blurry. You don't really know whether "Was this a log, or was this a metric?" Does this really matter? It's what your understanding is from metrics and logs.
So that makes me wonder, how are logs and metrics different if you use logs as JSON, and you have this arbitrarily wide metric, if you wish - because it's a kind of metric, right? You have all these metrics like status, as I said, bytes, time taken - all those are metrics, and they all appear in a single line. So what is the difference then between the metrics that you get in Prometheus, which have a slightly different format, and the value is at the end, and then you have many metrics that you may put together, like for example for samples or summaries... But in logs they're slightly different, and yet the end result is very similar. What are your thoughts on that?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, I think in the spirit of just-in-time/JIT, I think that's effectively what we're doing with logs when we try to extrapolate the metrics out of them, is through this event into the ether with a whole bunch of data associated with it. Maybe we don't know what we wanna do with it at the end, but given that that event is in the database, we can extrapolate some metrics out of it. So we're just-in-time kind of getting some metrics out of that log. You could go down that route.
I think that for some scenarios that may be your only option. Let's say you're running an external service, and all it's giving you is structured logs out. There's no way to tie in maybe an agent inside of there, or get internal events and hook in your own Prometheus exporter... For some scenarios, that may be your only option. And then I think that's a valid use case. Read the structured logs, and generate some metrics out of them.
But for when you can control those things, I think storing them in a time-series database will be beneficial for the team, because it's less stress on the infrastructure, it'll be far more performant... So that's, again, a bit of a trade-off there as to what route you go down.
Gerhard Lazu: That's interesting. Okay. So PromEx - big on metrics. Maybe logs? Are you thinking maybe log?
Alex Koutmos: [28:07] Perhaps... I think the extent of the log support out of PromEx will be just the shipping mechanism, given that the plan is to have Grafana Agent as part of PromEx's optional download. You can target that Grafana Agent for exporting logs to Loki. But I don't think PromEx will transform into a library where it also provides structured logging mechanisms. I think there's some good stuff already built into the Elixir logger on that front... But that's not a problem I'd like to tackle in the PromEx library.
Gerhard Lazu: Okay, that makes sense. What about events?
Alex Koutmos: So like traces, for example?
Gerhard Lazu: I'm thinking events we have from the Erlang library and the Erlang ecosystem. It's very rich, in that it can expose all sorts of events, and I think this is where we are touching on the OpenTelemetry and the sort of things that the Erlang and Elixir ecosystem have going for them, which I think is a very good implementation, a very good story around telemetry.
Alex Koutmos: Yes, yes. So let's rewind a little bit out of PromEx and talk about what you're hinting at here... So there are a couple projects in the Elixir and Erlang ecosystem. OpenTelemetry as far as I understand right now is an implementation of the OpenTelemetry spec. I think it's solely just for tracing. I think even that library, so OpenTelemetry, builds upon another Elixir and Erlang library called Telemetry; that lives in a GitHub organization - I think its beam-telemetry. But that library, Telemetry, offers library authors a way to surface internal library events to whoever is using that library. It's completely agnostic for how you structure these things, aside from you capture some measurements associated with that event and some metadata. That's pretty much it.
So every library can surface events, and you as the consumer of that library can say "Okay, I wanna pull out these measurements from the event, and maybe this metadata from the event." A perfect example would be the Phoenix web framework will surface an event when it's completed a request, when it's serviced a request. And inside of that event it'll have a measurement for how long it took to surface that request, so that'll be your duration... And then the metadata may be the route that the person hit, or the response status code, the length of the response payload etc. And then if you choose to hook on to that telemetry event, you can use all that data. If you don't hook on to that event, it's effectively like a no-op. So you're not losing any performance per se here.
That's effectively how PromEx works. All these libraries that I attach to are emitting these telemetry events. I just so happen to hook into all these telemetry events, and then generate Prometheus metrics out of them.
I think the story there in Elixir and Erlang is very unique, because the ecosystem has kind of said, "Okay, we're all gonna use these foundational building blocks." And I think -- the last time I looked on, I think there were like 140 libraries using telemetry, which means now across the ecosystem we have this ubiquitous language for how do we surface internal events in our libraries... Which is very powerful, because now I don't need to learn how Phoenix exports events, and how Oban exports events, and how Ecto exports events... It's all the same thing; I just need to hook into an ID for what that event is, and I'm off to the races at that point, and I can capture any information that I like.
Gerhard Lazu: [31:45] That explains why PromEx was such a -- I wouldn't say straightforward, but almost like it was obvious how to put it together. It was obvious what users want and need, because you have all these libraries that expose these events; they're there, you can consume them. So Ecto this week, Oban next week... I'm simplifying it, a lot, but roughly, that's how you were able to ship support for all the different libraries, because they all standardized on how they expose events. Is that a fair summary?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, that's exactly right. It is quite a bit simplified...
Gerhard Lazu: It's an oversimplification, of course.
Alex Koutmos: Because a lot of times I'll sit down to write a PromEx plugin, and as I'm writing plugin, I'm like "Hm, I need some more data here." So I'll make a PR to the library author, and say "Hey, I think we need some additional metadata here, some additional measurements", and then we have to go through that PR cycle, and I have to wait for a new release to get cut, and then I have to make the Grafana dashboard... So there's a good amount of work. But yeah, effectively, that's it - see what events that library emits, hook into them, convert them into meaningful Prometheus metrics, make the Grafana dashboard, and then ship it.
Gerhard Lazu: That's a good one, actually. I like that, especially the last part. Especially the ship it part.
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, I thought you'd like that.
Gerhard Lazu: Okay. So you have all these events... So I'm wondering if - you're ingesting events, you're translating them into metrics... Is there a point where you could just expose those events raw, and then something like for example Honeycomb, which loves events, could just consume them. I think that's how the Honeycomb agent, in some languages, works. They just expose the raw events.
Alex Koutmos: I'd have to play around with that and see... Some of these events have a lot of metadata associated with them. Again, let's say that Honeycomb is infinitely scalable, and it doesn't take any compute time - yeah, sure thing; just dump a couple thousand lines of metadata per event into Honeycomb. But yeah, I'd have to play around with Honeycomb specifically to see if that's event possible.
Gerhard Lazu: I'm also fascinated by it, because I think the take is very interesting, and I can see the uniqueness, I would like to understand it more, how they make that possible, for sure... And the challenges -- I mean, if they pulled it off, which apparently they have, that's impressive. And I think it takes an understanding of how complicated these layers are, just to understand what a feat that is in itself. So that's interesting...
So we telemetry, we have PromEx, you mentioned about plugins... Is there anything specific that you would like to add to PromEx next, anything that users are maybe asking for, anything that you would like to ship, which you know would be a hit?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, so aside from Grafana Agent, which I think some people are excited about...
Gerhard Lazu: I am. Big fan. Please...
Alex Koutmos: [laughs] So one thing I forgot to mention was -- so in addition to supporting all these first-party plugins and Grafana dashboards (and you kind of hinted at this before), users of PromEx are encouraged to make their own PromEx plugins and their own Grafana dashboards... And those plugins and dashboards are treated identical to how the first-party things are. So you're able to upload those dashboards automatically on application init, your events will be attached automatically... So all those first-party plugins are kind of dogfooding the architecture. I wanted to see how easy it was to create plugins and dashboards and have them all kind of co-exist together.
So the idea is that you use PromEx for all the shared libraries in the ecosystem, and then you write your own plugins and Grafana dashboards for things that are specific to your business, that obviously are not gonna be supported in PromEx. So that's one thing I forgot to touch on. And then what was the original question?
Gerhard Lazu: I was asking if there are any specific libraries that you are looking to integrate with. And I'm looking at the available plugins list, and I can see which ones are stable. This is, by the way, on And there's a list of available plugins. A bunch of them are stable: Phoenix, Oban, Ecto, Phoenix-Bream, and the application... And then some are coming soon, like Broadway, Absinth... I'm not sure whether I'm pronouncing that correctly...
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, yeah. Just like the booze.
Gerhard Lazu: Right. I don't know... I really don't know.
Alex Koutmos: [36:17] Yeah, me neither.
Gerhard Lazu: Okay.
Alex Koutmos: So Broadway - that plugin is more or less done. I've made some changes to Broadway itself, and those changes were accepted and merged into the Broadway project. I don't think there's been a release cut as of us recording right now. So that plugin is kind of on hold until a release gets cut, and then I can kind of say that PromEx depends on this version of Broadway, if you choose to use the Broadway plugin... Because I added some additional telemetry events.
Gerhard Lazu: The idea is to get Broadway wrapped up. For those who don't know what Broadway is - it's a really nifty library where you can drop it into your project and you could read from various queue implementations, and it takes care of a lot of the boilerplate in setting up a concurrent and parallelized worker. So you can read from Rabbit, and you can configure "Hey, I want 100 Beam processes reading from Rabbit at the same time and processing the work from there." I think it supports Rabbit, Kafka, and I think Redis as well.
But yeah, Broadway is on the list... And then Absinth is on the list after that, because that's the Elixir GraphQL framework. So that seems to be pretty popular. Yeah, after those two are wrapped up, I'm just gonna go on, see which one has the most downloads after that, and just -- think of that as a priority queue. Whatever libraries have the most downloads and are the most popular, just make plugins for them, as long as they support telemetry.
Gerhard Lazu: That makes so much sense. Of course. The way you put it, it's obvious. What's the most popular? That thing. Okay... Well, that will have the most users and will be the most successful, and people will find it the most useful. So yeah, that makes perfect sense. I like that. Very sensible.
Break: [38:00]
Gerhard Lazu: So one of the things that we wanted to do - I think we were mentioning this towards the beginning of the show... We were saying how Erlang 24 just shipped. It was a few weeks ago, the final 24 release. We have the first patch release... And we wanted to upgrade the Changelog app to use Erlang 24. So here's the plan... By the time you're listening to this, either next day or a few days after, we will be performing a live upgrade on the website, from Erlang 23 to Erlang 24. We have PromEx running, we have all the metrics, and we will see live what difference Erlang 24 makes to
[39:40] PromEx is obviously instrumental, all the metrics and all the logs get shipped to Grafana Cloud, so that's how we will be observing things, and we will be commenting out what is different, what is better, what is worse. So with that in mind, I'm wondering if there's any assumptions or expectations that we can set ahead of time. What are you thinking, Alex?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, so I've been thinking about this for a little while... Because measuring things before and after changes - it just excites me, to see that you've made a change and you have some measurable differences between how it was before and how it is afterwards. So I've been thinking about this, and some of my hypotheses are that memory usage will go up slightly, because that interpreted code that was compiled to native needs to be stored somewhere. So memory usage will go up slightly... And then I imagine most things CPU-bound will be sped up. So serializing and deserializing from JSON, serializing and deserializing from Postgres database - all these things, we should see a considerable change in performance. Those are kind of top of mind at the moment. How about you?
Gerhard Lazu: I'm thinking that the end result that the users will see, because of those serialization speed-ups, is a lower latency. So responses will be quicker. Now, if you have listened to the Changelog 2021 setup, you will know that if you're accessing Changelog, you're going through the CDN. So every single request now goes through Fastly. And what that means is that the responses are already ten times faster, or maybe faster still. So your responses are served within 50 milliseconds; that's what the Grafana Cloud probes are telling us.
So the website is already very fast, because it's served from Fastly. What we will see, however - we have probes that also hit the website directly. So expect the response latency, if you go directly to the backend - or to the origin, as the CDN calls it - it will be slightly lower. I also expect the PostgreSQL - maybe not the queries necessarily, but the responses, as you mentioned, Alex, because of the serialization, to be slightly faster. So I would expect the data from the database to load quicker. And that will also result in quicker response time to the end users.
I'm very curious what happens with context switches. Are we going to have fewer context switches, so less work on the CPU, or more? Obviously context switches are not just like the work the CPU does, but I think things will be a lot less work to do, so fewer context switches. CPU utilization - I think it will go slightly down, but right now we don't have to worry about that because we have 32 CPUs. All the AMD EPYCs, the latest one - thank you, Linode; those are amazing. Everything is so much quicker. And we have the NVMe SSDs... Everything is super-quick. But yeah, for more, listen to the 2021 Changelog setup where we cover some of these. And I think the blog post will come out.
That's what I expect to see... So will it make a difference for the users? I don't think it will, because they have the CDN. So everything is already super-quick, as fast as it can be. You have TLS optimizations, you have data locality of all the good stuff, because the CDN just serves requests from where you are.
For the logged in users, because obviously those requests we can't cache, things will be slightly quicker. So for Adam, for Jerod, whoever is working on the admin, those things will be quicker.
Another thing which I do know that we do - we do background processing on some of the S3 files, the logs and stuff like that... So expect those to be quicker. But I don't know by how much. I think we're using Oban for that, aren't we, Alex?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, we're using Oban. I think Oban was set up just to send out asynchronous emails. I don't know if there was any other work being done by Oban. But now that you mention those things, we probably should have metrics in place to capture those S3 processing jobs, see how long they take pre and post OTP 24.
Gerhard Lazu: Yeah, that's right. That's a really good one. That'll be a great one to add. Okay, I'm really looking forward to that. And if you've listened to this, you can watch it live. And if you haven't, that's okay; you'll see it on Twitter. We will post. Maybe we'll even do a scheduled livestream. Does that make sense for you, Alex? What do you think?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, it works for me.
Gerhard Lazu: [44:06] Okay. So no impromptu. We'll schedule it and we'll say "On this time, at this day, at this hour." Okay, I like that. That's a great idea, actually. So we'll have like at least a few days of heads up, and then you can listen to this, and then you can watch that, how we do it. Great. that makes me very excited. Okay.
So we're approaching the end, and I think we need to end on a high... Because it's Friday when we're recording this, it was a good week, and the weekend is just around the corner... So what do you have planned for this weekend, Alex? Anything fun?
Alex Koutmos: This weekend... I think I have one thing I wanna do in PromEx, but then I'll be building a garden. So I'll be outdoors, using the table saw, and the miter saw, and the nailgun, and putting together some nice garden beds.
Gerhard Lazu: Okay, well that sounds amazing. You have to balance all the PromEx and all the Erlang/Elixir work somehow, right?
Alex Koutmos: Oh, yeah. You need to find a healthy balance between open source work, the full-time job, and a little bit of fun for yourself.
Gerhard Lazu: Yeah, that's for sure. So building a garden - that sounds amazing. You must be either very good or very brave, I'm not sure which one. Either a great DIYer, or very brave, you'll figure it out. Which one is it?
Alex Koutmos: I don't wanna be arrogant or anything, but I think I'm a decent DIYer. I also used to tinker around with cars quite a bit before I had a family... When it was okay to financially irresponsible and buy a $3,000 motor just because I felt like it. Nowadays you can't do that... [laughter]
Gerhard Lazu: Okay, different times... Right?
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, exactly.
Gerhard Lazu: Different world.
Alex Koutmos: I could buy a motorcycle anytime I wanted to. I didn't have to worry about providing for my kiddos. I go with safe hobbies, like building garden beds or doing some woodworking.
Gerhard Lazu: Okay, that sounds great. So I hope the weather is going to be great, because for me, the weather has been rubbish for the whole week. Windy... I wouldn't say it's cold, but it's not nice; it's been raining all day every day, we had some downpours as well... So it hasn't been really great. And right now I'm looking at it like -- I was going to do a barbecue; I love barbecuing, the proper charcoal one... But the weather is not good. Maybe we get the parasol out, so it doesn't rain on my barbecue regardless, maybe... I don't know. But what we have to do is post the pictures. Because how can people appreciate how good of a DIYer you actually are if they don't see your work?
Alex Koutmos: Well played, sir. Well played. I'll have to take some selfies. I usually stray from the selfies... [laughs]
Gerhard Lazu: And videos. Those are very important, because if you don't take videos, someone else could be doing the work and you just take pictures. No... That would never happen, right? Only in movies. [laughter]
Alex Koutmos: Never, never.
Gerhard Lazu: Alright, Alex. Well, it's been a pleasure to have you on the show. I really enjoyed this. I'm looking forward to doing what we said we will do. That's super exciting. Shipping Erlang 24 for - that'll be great. And which version of PromEx are we at now? Do you know which one is the latest?
Alex Koutmos: I don't remember... I think 1.1.0 is the latest... And I think the Changelog is on 1.0.1.
Gerhard Lazu: Right. So not that far behind, but...
Alex Koutmos: Yeah, we'll bump it up.
Gerhard Lazu: That's great, okay. So we shipped that. That is exciting. Ship a garden in the meantime as well; maybe a barbecue. We'll see. This has been tremendous fun. Thank you, Alex. Looking forward to the next time.
Alex Koutmos: Likewise, thank you.